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Contact: Tara Setmayer (202) 225-2415

***PRESS RELEASE*** Rep. Rohrabacher Gives Speech At MagLev World Conference
Focuses On Importance Of Investing In Energy Efficient Infrastructure Over Bailouts

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San Diego, CA, Dec 16, 2008 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) gave a policy speech at the International MagLev Conference hosted by General Atomics and the University of San Diego, in San Diego, CA. Rep. Rohrabacher is spearheading the effort to introduce a new, environmentally friendly cargo container transport system known as ECCO (Electric Cargo Conveyor System) or Maglev Freight System. This breakthrough concept uses the cutting edge technology of magnetic levitation for freight transport helping to dramatically reduce air pollution and traffic congestion to and from the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.

“Stimulus dollars should be focused on infrastructure rather than bailouts,” said Rohrabacher. “If we have to put money into our economy, let’s not give it to failed businesses, but rather invest in better transportation, energy and water systems. When our economy is weak we shouldn’t be transferring dollars to losers. Any stimulus package should focus on making America more energy efficient in the long run. Such an investment would pay for itself in the next generation.”

Rep. Rohrabacher voted against the Wall Street bailout and opposes any bailouts for the U.S. automakers.

Rohrabacher stressed that any significant infrastructure investment should be modern and up to date technologically and underscored his support for MagLev transportation technologies. “We can start by building a MagLev container system at the Ports of LA and Long Beach,” said Rohrabacher. “That could take thousands of trucks off our roads and pay for itself through container fees.”

A Rohrabacher amendment authorizing support for a MagLev transport system passed the House as part of the 2007 Railroad Safety Act with bi-partisan support, including the endorsement of Transportation Committee Chairman, Rep. James Oberstar (D-MN).


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