House Ways and Means Committee

Reichert Appointed to House Ways and Means Committee

New Opportunity to Tackle Economic and Health Care Priorities


After being sworn-in for a third term on January 6, 2009, Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-08) today announced his appointment to the House Committee on Ways and Means. The Committee’s jurisdiction puts Reichert on the front line of efforts to address the economic crisis, strengthen our health care system, and enact free trade agreements.

“I'm honored to accept an appointment to the Ways and Means Committee and ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work to address the economic crisis facing our nation," said Reichert. "Representing one of the most trade-dependent states in the nation, this assignment will enable me to continue my tireless advocacy for enacting free trade agreements, keeping taxes low for families, businesses, and individuals, and ensuring access to affordable, high quality health care. These are challenging times, and I intend to bring to the Committee the same pragmatic, solution-oriented approach that I employed as the Sheriff of King County and throughout my first two terms in Congress.

“The issues before this committee are especially critical to my constituents, who understand the need for open markets, lower taxes, and health care reform. The Eighth District remains an epicenter of small business growth, a home to major U.S. employers, and a hotbed of medical research, biotechnology and medical device innovation. I’m excited to carry on the Ways and Means legacy of long-time Eighth District Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn and to join my colleague from Washington, Jim McDermott, to begin the work of the 111th Congress at a critical time in our nation’s history.”

“I’m excited to welcome Dave Reichert to the Ways and Means Committee,” said Dave Camp, the Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee. “As we work vigorously to address the economic downturn, Dave’s proven leadership on trade issues over the past four years will be a tremendous asset to the committee as we look to open new markets to trade. I look forward to Dave’s strong advocacy as we tackle critical economic issues including health care reform, trade and tax policy.”

Among many issues, the House Ways and Means Committee has jurisdiction over trade, tax, and health care policy.  For more information, visit

Each representative from the Eighth District of Washington has been seated on this committee, since the inception of the seat in 1980. To learn more about Reichert and the Eighth District, visit


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