News Item

**Blog** Welcome to the 111th Congress!
by Dana Rohrabacher

Dana explains his agenda

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Washington, Jan 5 - This week marks the beginning of the 111th Congress. Every two years, voters in the United States exercise their right to elect their congressional representatives. I am proud, honored and humbled that the people of the 46th District have reelected me to represent them in Washington for an 11th term.

America is a great country, because Americans are a great people. And, therefore, all of us deserve a great government. Many challenges lie ahead on many fronts, ranging from the economy to the war, to individual liberty and debates over social values, border security and the broken immigration system, just to name a few. I’ve always believed it’s not enough just to call myself a conservative, but to talk the talk and walk the walk.

I will tackle these issues and more, while always keeping two things in mind. First, I believe in the Constitution, its principles and ideals. On January 6, 2009, I will put my hand on the Bible and take an oath to defend that document, as I and all other Members of the House do every two years. The second guiding principle is this; I am in Congress to work for you, the people of the 46th District. Huntington Beach is my home, my constituents are my bosses, and I work everyday to advance what is in the best interest of my district.

Beginning with my political work on Barry Goldwater’s presidential campaign, many years ago, I have fought for freedom while having fun and will continue to do so as your voice on Capitol Hill.

In Freedom,


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