Homeland Security

Homeland Security

I am pleased to sit on two sub-committees on Committee of Homeland Security, The Sub-committee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism, and as the Chairman on Emergency Communications, Preparedness, and Response.  I value these assignments and the responsibilities that come with service on the Committee on Homeland Security.

As information is shared with the Committee on Homeland Security I have the opportunity to share my concerns on security initiatives which affect the constituents I serve.  I will look to increase the security of our nation by looking at multiple strategies that provide security without infringing on the rights and liberties of citizens and visitors.

Congressman Cuellar, Conferee to H.R.1 (Improving American Security Act of 2007), meets with Members to discuss the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Economic Recovery Package Could Deliver Tens of Billions to Texas 1.15.2009

Press Release - Cuellar Announces $56,160 Grant to Provide New Breathing Apparatuses for Seguin Fire Department 12.31.2008

Press Release - Congressman Henry Cuellar Announces $1.16 Million for National Guard Armory Improvements in Laredo 10.24.2008

Press Release - Congressman Henry Cuellar Receives National Guard Charles Dick Medal of Merit 10.21.2008

Recent Vote - Congressman Henry Cuellar Supports Continuing Security and Veterans Funding 9.24.2008

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02/07/08 Foreign Affairs hearing on Merida Initiative

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