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TSC Resources for Dam Safety Programs

To protect our nation's security, economy, and environment, Reclamation's facilities must be operated and maintained safely. Throughout the 17 Western states, Reclamation has 457 dams and dikes. Of these, 358 would endanger lives if a failure occurred. Reclamation ensures safety through inspections for safety deficiencies, analyses that use current technologies and designs, and corrective actions if needed based on current engineering practices.

Inspecting dams

Reclamation's Dam Safety Program was officially implemented in 1978 with passage of the Reclamation Safety of Dams Act, Public Law 95-578. This act was amended in 1984 under Public Law 98-404. Reclamation's Dam Safety Office in Denver, Colorado Program develops and administers safety of dams activities.

The Federal Government has developed Training for Dam Safety modules that are self-contained, self-paced text supplemented by video presentations. The modules can be tailored to meet individual or organizational needs.The Technical Service Center offers Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams (SEED) seminars both within the U.S. and internationally.

Reclamation's Dam Safety, SEED, and SOD, IT, client liaison is Tim Tochtrop (86-68312), 303-445-2990 or ttochtrop@do.usbr.gov.

Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory (86-68180)'s testing and field analysis helps ensure that dams are safe. Investigations include:

Economics and Resource Planning Group (86-68270)
Economic investigations and financial analysis of Safety of Dams

Geotechnical Engineering Group (86-68311, 86-68312, 86-68313) examines earth and embankment dams and foundation and slope issues for all Reclamation structures to provide:

Recent projects include analyzing seismic stability on Wickiup Dam, Oregon. We have also helped the Dam Safety Office conduct inspection training and seepage and piping training.

Geology, Geophysics, and Seismotectonics Group
(86-68320) quantify earthquake hazards to Reclamation dams, canals, powerplants and tunnels. Our geophysicists, seismologists, and geologist provide information needed by Reclamation engineers to evaluate the seismic stability and safety of these structures, including seismic hazard analysis, engineering geophysical consultation and interpretation, seismotectonic evaluations for engineered structures.

Instrumentation and Inspections Group (86-68460)
Dam safety analysis of instrumentation data
Dam safety documents
Dam safety technical priority rating system
Dam safety training
Dam break inundation studies
Dam Safety Information and Data Management System
Dam safety training for dam tenders and others on various dam safety, operation and maintenance, and emergency management topics
Public safety examinations
Emergency Action Plans
Dam break inundation studies, including mapping and hazard classifications
Dam safety databases (Dam Safety Information System and Dam Safety Data Management System)
Security assessments
Landslide Register, which lists all the known landslides and rockfalls that could impact Reclamation dams and associated facilities.

Flood Hydrology and Meterology Group (86-68250) evaluates hydrology data and techniques that ensure the hydrologic safety of water control structures. We also use this information to:

Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group (86-68240)
Risk reduction alternatives at unsafe dams
Dam break inundation studies

Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services (86-68560) We conduct laboratory tests, field tests, and analytical studies that support dam safety modifications and development of new dam safety technologies.  Active projects and recent products include a patented embankment overtopping protection system, research on prediction of dam foundation erosion, research on embankment dam breach processes and prediction of dam breach parameters, rehabilitation and improvement of spillway structures, and development of test procedures for outlet works emergency gates. 


Please contact a client liaison (303) 445-2561 to help you get the most efficient services for your needs.