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Contact: Tara Setmayer (202) 225-2415

***PRESS RELEASE*** Rohrabacher: Time Is Short, Mr. Sutton. Let's Right The Wrong
Calls on U.S. Attorney To Officially Support Commutation For Imprisoned Border Agents

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Washington, Jan 14 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher called upon U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton to officially support commutation for unjustly imprisoned Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. During the press conference, Rep. Rohrabacher highlighted several public statements made by Mr. Sutton acknowledging the sentences for the agents are in fact harsh.

“Mr. Sutton, we are asking you to look into your heart as a prosecutor and advise the President to commute the sentences of Ramos and Compean so they will not spend the next ten years in solitary confinement,” said Rohrabacher. “As Johnny Sutton has said in his own words, this punishment is excessive. Millions of Americans, Members of Congress, Republicans and Democrats have spoken…the time is short, Mr. Sutton. Time is short Mr. President. Let’s right the wrong.”

Ramos and Compean are currently serving 11 and 12 year prison sentences, respectively, for shooting and wounding a self -admitted illegal alien drug smuggler. Both men have already spent two years in solitary confinement. Members have jointly condemned the U.S. Attorney’s office for charging the agents with §924(c), “discharge of a firearm during a crime of violence;” a 10-year mandatory minimum gun statute never used before against law enforcement officers carrying out their official duties. Thus far, 152 Members of Congress, representing the entire political spectrum, have signed on to House resolutions in support of either a full pardon or commutation.

Reps. Delahunt (D-MA), Royce (R-CA), Bilbray (R-CA), Hunter (R-CA), Gohmert (R-TX), McCaul (R-TX), King (R-IA), Burton (R-IN), Jones (R-NC) participated in today’s press conference.


[Click here to read several of Johnny Sutton's public statements acknowledging the sentences for the agents are in fact harsh.]

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