Frequently Asked Questions

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Q.  What is the algorithm employed for determination of AIRS surface

A.  We do not have a separate surface temperature retrieval algorithm.
The surface temperature is one of many parameters retrieved by the
unified algorithm.

You may find the published Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents at
the URL:

The one of interest is the AIRS Level 2 Unified Retrieval Algorithm.

There are several references you may also look up. The latest is
published in the special AIRS Validation section of the JGR

Susskind J., C. Barnet, J. Blaisdell, L. Iredell, F. Keita, L.
Kouvaris, G. Molnar, M. Chahine (2006), Accuracy of geophysical
parameters derived from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder/Advanced
Microwave Sounding Unit as a function of fractional cloud cover, J.
Geophys. Res., 111, D09S17, doi:10.1029/2005JD006272.

An older one is the paper in the IEEE special issue on Aqua, published
just after the launch

Sisslomd K/. C/ Barnet, J. Blaisdell (2003), Retrieval of Atmospheric
and Surface Parameters from AIRS/AMSU/HSB Data in the Presence of
Clouds, IEEE Trans. Geosci and Rem. Sens, 41, 390-409,

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