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House Democrats
Washington Office
Congresswoman Maloney
2332 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515-3214
202.225.7944 phone
202.225.4709 fax

Manhattan Office
Congresswoman Maloney
1651 3rd Avenue Suite 311
New York, NY 10128-3679
212-860-0606 phone
212-860-0704 fax

Queens Office
Congresswoman Maloney
28-11 Astoria Blvd.
Astoria, NY 11102-1933
718-932-1804 phone
718-932-1805 fax

Press Release

For Immediate Release
October 27, 1999
Contact: Kate Spangler
Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, legislation sponsored by Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), House Concurrent Resolution 188 commending Greece and Turkey for their swift responses to the devastating earthquakes that struck the countries in August and early September, passed unanimously in the U.S. House of Representatives.

"This fall is a critical time in the talks between Greece and Turkey. It is important to recognize the renewed goodwill that has arisen amidst the tragic earthquakes that damaged both Greece and Turkey. Both countries have suffered enormously and have been able to put aside their political differences to respond to each other's need for help. I sincerely hope that Greece and Turkey's humanitarian action will help in the effort to bring peace to the region and Cyprus," said Mrs. Maloney.

H. Con. Res. 188 commends Greece and Turkey for their actions during the crisis following the earthquakes, and calls on Greece and Turkey to continue the renewed spirit of cooperation between the two countries. The bipartisan bill was also introduced by Representatives Michael Bilirakis (R-FL), Dan Burton (R-IN), and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).

Representative Maloney is the cofounder and Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues. The Caucus, made up of 78 bipartisan House Members, has had a major influence on legislative and diplomatic initiatives concerning Greece, Cyprus and Turkey.