Congressional Task Force on International HIV/AIDS

As a member of the Congressional Task Force on international HIV/AIDS, I comprehend the colossal impact of this pandemic and realize it is potentially the most pressing issue plaguing global security and stability. Currently, there are at least 33.4 million cases of HIV/AIDS cases worldwide and no less than 16,000 new cases daily. Last year alone, more than 600,000 children died as a result of exposure to and contraction of HIV/AIDS. In some regions of the globe, life expectancy may drop at least thirty years to only mid-twenties. These statistics are incredibly unsettling and their ramifications will surely be far reaching.

There are countries in Africa in which a quarter of the population is infected with the HIV/AIDS virus. This pandemic will certainly cripple some countries and the fear is that it might do the same on a much larger and broader scale if ingenious policies are not enacted.

Beyond the numbers, leaders and civilians will have to make big decisions to try to confront this daunting reality. For example, a recent State Department report sums up the governmental healthcare crisis in this way, "Governments will confront trade-offs along at least three dimensions; treating AIDS versus preventing HIV; treating AIDS versus treating other illnesses; and spending for healthcare versus spending on other objectives." The general health of the developing world has suffered a setback unlike any other. Individuals and families are going bankrupt paying for funerals and communities are losing their future as the young die before the old.

It is at this point when we must realize that this downward spiral is threatening more and more of the world. Africa has been the hardest hit, but now there is evidence that Asia and India are on the brink and will soon be plunged into a crisis many times worse than Africa. And while the numbers are not quite as large, Eastern Europe too seems poised to see a sharp upturn in infection rates. It is at this point when we must realize that this downward spiral will not stop at our borders.

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