Albanian Issues Caucus

As Chairman of the Albanian Issues Caucus, I strive to champion several causes that that are very important to both me and the rich Albanian communities of New York. The caucus works to promote the welfare and progress in Albanian regions of the Balkans and US-Albanian relations in many profound ways.

Firstly, the Caucus promotes the bolstering of democratic institutions in Albania, Kosova, FYR Macedonia and other Albanian populated Balkans territories because a free and stable Balkans benefits everyone. We also strive to prevent human suffering of refugees and other troubled peoples in the aforementioned areas through the resurrection of human rights protections.

As chairman, I am also overjoyed to be part of the effort to advance the cultural evolution and social development in those territories. So, too, does the Caucus support the establishment of free-market economies and the preservation of good relations between Albanian Americans and their ancestral homeland. The Caucus works diligently to ensure that the Balkan regions with ethnic Albanian populations progress swiftly into the future with a strong partnership with the United States.

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