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John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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My Voting Record

Foreign Affairs

It is important for the United States to maintain a strong international presence around the world to ensure American prosperity and to protect our country from terrorists and rogue regimes.

        • Winning the War on Terror is vital to our national security. In order to prevent attacks on our country, the military must have the freedom to destroy terrorist enclaves abroad.

        • The war in Iraq is a fundamental part of the fight against international terrorism. We cannot win the War on Terror without achieving victory in Iraq. Retreat would dishonor the sacrifices made by the armed forces and doom the Middle East to chaos and warfare.

        • It is important to maintain strong relationships with our allies Israel and Taiwan. These two nations, which face serious external threats, exemplify the prosperity and freedom that can be achieved by embracing democracy and free market capitalism.

        • While I am sympathetic to people suffering from poverty in developing nations, I am concerned about America’s ability to pay for many foreign aid programs. The federal government is over eight trillion dollars in debt and cannot afford to pay for every global problem.

        • Foreign aid is most effective when it is specifically focused and targeted. I support community directed projects rather than large bureaucratic programs that waste taxpayer dollars.

        • I am working to help fund the construction of deep wells in rural African villages where there is currently a lack of clean drinking water. Clean water is a basic life necessity and a foundation for increasing economic strength, promoting educational opportunities, ensuring gender equality, and preventing the spread of infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS.


        • The United States has a moral obligation to support the nation of Israel and protect it from external threats. Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East and has been America’s closest ally since its inception in 1948.

        • I support the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, but until Palestinian leaders renounce terrorism and recognize Israel’s right to exist, Israel has an obligation to take all necessary measures for self-defense. As long as Palestinian leaders continue to assist terrorists, I will not support U.S. foreign aid for Palestine.

        • Extremists in Iran and Syria are dedicated to destroying Israel. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad stated goal of obtaining nuclear capabilities presents a serious threat to regional security. I support severe sanctions on Iran and Syria and believe the United States should work with the international community to further isolate these despotic regimes.

        • I will work with my colleagues in Congress to ensure the United States continues to stand behind our friends in Israel.

If you would like to volunteer to support our soldiers and their families, please visit the website of the USO or America Supports You.

Culberson Statement on North Korea, 10/17/06
Culberson Response to Recent Attacks on Israel, 7/18/06
Sympathy for Indian Train Bombing Victims, 7/18/06
Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill for 2007, 6/09/06

H.Con.Res. 21 - Calling on the United Nations Security Council to charge Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with violating the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genodcide and United Nations Charter because of his calls for the destruction of Israel
H.Con.Res. 131 - Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem
H.Con.Res. 136 - Expressing the sense of Congress regarding high level visits to the United States by democratically-elected officials of Taiwan
H.Con.Res. 137 - Expressing the Sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan
H.Con.Res. 235 - Regarding ending World Bank disbursements to Iran until the International Atomic Energy Agency certifies compliance of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Resolutions 1696 and 1747 of the United Nations Security Council and the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
H.Con.Res. 250 - Supporting Taiwan’s membership in appropriate international organizations such as the United Nations
H.Res. 267 - Calling for the immediate and unconditional release of British marines and sailors held captive by Iran, and for other purposes
H.Res. 379 - A resolution congratulating Nicolas Sarkozy on his election to the presidency of France and welcoming President Sarkozy on the occasion of his appearance before a Joint Meeting of Congress
H.Res. 560 - Regarding recent actions of Hugo Chavez and the Government of Venezuela
H.Res. 730 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the planned acquisition of a minority interest in 3Com by affiliates of Huawei
H.Res. 951 - Condemning the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli citizens
H.R. 1357 - To require divestiture of current investments in Iran, to prohibit future investments in Iran, and to require disclosure to investors of information relating to such investments
H.R. 1400 - Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007
H.R. 2332 - Syria Accountability and Liberation Act
H.R. 2347 - Iran Sanctions Enabling Act of 2007
H.R. 2880 - Iran Sanctions Enhancement Act of 2007


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