Home > Households, Buildings & Industry > Regional Energy Profiles > Household Electricity Reports > South Atlantic > Table D5-1
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Release date: April 24, 2006
                                         South Atlantic Household Electricity Report — Table

Table D5-1.  Electricity Consumption by End Use in South Atlantic Households, 2001
End-Use Category and End Use Households (millions) Units a (millions) Annual Electricity Consumption
Per Unit b Per HH Total Share of Total
(kWh) (kWh) (billion kWh) (percent)
Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling 100.6 36.0
   Air-Conditioning c 19.0 - - - 59.7 21.4
      Central 16.1 - - 3,467 55.9 20.0
      Individual Room Units 2.9 4.8 778 1,297 3.8 1.3
   Space Heating d 12.4 - - - 29.1 10.4
      Main System 11.0 - - 2,576 28.3 10.2
      Secondary Equipment 1.4 - - 506 0.7 0.3
   Related Appliances 11.9 4.2
      Furnace Fan 17.3 - 500 - 8.7 3.1
      Ceiling Fan 14.9 48.7 50 164 2.4 0.9
      Dehumidifier 1.3 - 400 - 0.5 0.2
      Humidifier 2.0 - 100 - 0.2 0.1
      Evaporator Cooler * - 1,183 - 0.1 *
Kitchen Appliances 64.7 23.2
     Refrigerator 20.3 23.6 1,408 1,638 33.2 11.9
     Freezer 6.6 7.2 1,121 1,218 8.1 2.9
     Dishwasher e 11.7 - - 500 5.8 2.1
     Range Top f 14.0 - 536 - 7.5 2.7
     Oven g 11.1 - 440 - 4.9 1.8
     Microwave Oven 17.9 - 209 - 3.7 1.3
     Coffee Maker h 9.0 - 116 - 1.0 0.4
     Toaster Oven 7.4 - 50 - 0.4 0.1
Water Heating 13.4 - - 2,587 34.7 12.4
Lighting i 20.3 - - 940 19.1 6.8
Home Electronics 16.0 5.7
     Color TV 20.1 49.1 130 319 6.4 2.3
     PC and Printer j 11.7 - - 399 4.7 1.7
     VCR/DVD 18.4 31.0 70 118 2.2 0.8
     Stereo k 15.2 - - 70 1.1 0.4
     Cable Box 4.5 - 120 - 0.5 0.2
     Satellite Dish 2.7 - 130 - 0.3 0.1
     Cordless Phone 16.1 - 26 - 0.4 0.1
     Answering Machine 11.9 - 35 - 0.4 0.1
Laundry Appliances 17.1 6.1
     Clothes Dryer 14.1 - - 1,065 15.0 5.4
     Clothes Washer e 17.2 - 120 - 2.1 0.7
Other Equipment 6.7 2.4
     Pool Filter/Pump 1.9 - 1,500 - 2.8 1.0
     Hot Tub/Spa/Pool Heater 0.5 - 2,300 - 1.1 0.4
     Waterbed Heater 1.1 1.4 900 1,120 1.2 0.4
     Well Water Pump 3.8 - 400 - 1.5 0.5
Other End Uses l 20.3 7.3
South Atlantic Total 20.3 - - 13,763 279.2 100.0
   a One unit is one system, appliance, or piece of equipment.  The number of units is assumed to be equal to the number of households, except where shown.
   b Consumption per unit is assumed to equal consumption per household, except where shown.
   c Households with both central air-conditioning and individual room units are counted only under "Central."
   d Households with both main space-heating systems and secondary equipment are counted only under "Main System."
   e Energy used to heat water coming into the washer is excluded.
   f Only those households where the most-used range top is electric and where more than one meal per week is cooked are counted.
   g Only those households where the most-used oven is electric and the oven is used more than once per week are counted.
   h Only those households where the coffee maker is used more than once per week are counted.
   i "Lighting" includes indoor and outdoor uses. Halogen torchiere lamps are not included.
   j "PC" includes desktop and laptop personal computers.  "Printer" includes printers with and without fax/copiers.
   k "Stereo" includes component and compact stereo systems and portable stereos ('boom boxes").
   l "Other End Uses" includes many end uses, such as the operation of irons, hair dryers, electric blankets, power tools, and air cleaners, not specifically listed, as well as errors that may be present in estimates of annual consumption.
  * = Less than .05.
  - = Not applicable.
   Notes: • Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.  • This table does not reflect the interactive effects of appliance usage, particularly in the case of interactions between appliance usage estimated from RECS data and appliance usage estimated from other sources.
  Sources: • Annual Electricity Consumption per Unit: Furnace Fan, Ceiling Fan, Dehumidifier, Humidifier, Evaporative Cooler, Range Top, Oven, Microwave Oven, Coffee Maker, Toaster Oven, Clothes Washer, Printer, PC (desktop), Cordless Phone, Answering Machine, Pool Filter/Pump, Hot Tub/Spa/Pool Heater, Waterbed Heater, and Well Water Pump--Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Energy Data Sourcebook for the U.S. Residential Sector (1997), pp. 127, 128, and 135; Television (color) Color TV and VCR/DVD--EIA calculations using data from LBNL, Energy Use of Televisions and Videocassette Recorders in the U.S. (March 1999), p. ii; Satellite Dish and Cable Box--Alan Meier and Karen Rosen, "Video Networks: A Surprising Energy Drain," Home Energy Magazine Online (May/June 1999); PC (desktop)--Arthur D. Little, Inc., Electricity Consumption by Small End Uses in Residential Buildings, Final Report (1998), Exhibit 6-8; PC (laptop): Energy Information Administration (EIA), Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting, National Energy Modeling System (October 2003) and EIA calculations.    Lighting: EIA, Office of Energy Markets and End Use (EMEU), Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) 1993 • All other data: EIA, EMEU, Forms EIA-457A-C, E, and H, RECS 2001, and EIA calculations.

About This Series

The Household Electricity Report series is the newest Regional Energy Profiles series. The first report, U.S. Household Electricity Report, was published on July 14, 2005. When the series is complete, it will include regional reports on the nine U.S. Census Divisions, and the four most populous States—California, Florida, New York, and Texas.


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