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Distribution Category UC-950

Energy Consumption Series

Residential Lighting
Use and Potential Savings
September 1996

Energy Information Administration
Office of Energy Markets and End Use
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585

This publication was prepared by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) under the general direction of W. Calvin Kilgore, Director of the Office of Energy Markets and End Use (202-586-1617). The project was directed by Lynda T. Carlson, Director of the Office of Energy End Use and Integrated Statistics Division (EEUISD) (202-586-1112). Specific technical information may be obtained from the Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) Manager, Robert Latta (202-586-1385). The FAX number for all EEUISD personnel is 202-586-0018.

Detailed technical questions on the topics indicated may be referred to the following members of the EEUISD:

Robert Latta
Principal Author
End Use Estimates, Sampling Design
Public-Use Data, Computer Systems Design

Michael Laurence
RECS Questionnaires

Vicki Moorhead
Table Production

Hattie Ramseur
Related Statistical Publications


Dr. Wendel L. Thompson made a significant contribution to this report. Alas, Wendel retired on March 29, 1996. During his career, his knowledge and unfailing effort were invaluable in making the RECS the high-quality survey that it is. We will miss his expertise, dedication, good humor, and kindness. So long Mr. RECS; good luck in your retirement.

Data in these reports are in the public domain and, with appropriate credit, may be reproduced without permission. A suggested citation is "U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Residential Lighting: Use and Potential Savings" or "U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, 1993 Residential Energy Consumption Survey."

Information is also available by accessing EIA's Home Page on the Internet at HTTP:// Tables are also available on the CD-ROM. Public-Use Data Diskettes containing RECS data are available through the Office of Scientific and Technical Information and the National Technical Information Service. (See Appendix D, "Related EIA Publications on Energy Consumption," for ordering information.) For questions about the contents of EPUB reports and data and availability of this information on CD-ROM, call 202-586-8800.


Executive Summary

1. Introduction

The Residential Energy Consumption Survey

Lighting Data from the RECS Household Questionnaire

The RECS Lighting Supplement

2. Residential Lighting Profile

Types of Lights

Location of Lights

Lighting Usage and Costs

Estimating the Number of Indoor Lights

3. Potential for Savings

Household-Level Savings

Aggregate-Level Savings

4. Detailed Tables


A Survey Forms

B. End-Use Estimation Methodology

C. Data Quality

D. Related EIA Information on Energy Consumption



1.1 Definition of Light

2.1 Type of Light by Room

2.2 Regression Allocation Estimates of Electricity Consumption for Lighting, by Census Region, 1993

2.3 Electricity Consumption for Lighting, by Household Type

2.4 Annual Electricity Expenditures for Residential Lighting, by Census Region, 1993

2.5 Electricity Consumption for Lighting, by Household Type

3.1 Total Cost of Compact Fluorescent Bulb Compared to Incandescent Bulb (5 cents per kWh)

3.2 Total Cost of Compact Fluorescent Bulb Compared to Incandescent Bulb (10 cents per kWh)

3.3 Total Cost of Compact Fluorescent Bulb Compared to Incandescent Bulb (15 cents per kWh)

4.1 Summary of Detailed Tables

4.2 Use of RSE Row and Column Factors


1.1 Comparison of Total RECS Sample and Lighting Supplement Subsample

1.2 Light Bulb Types in the RECS Lighting Supplement Questionnaire

2.1 Fluorescent Lights as a Percent of Total Lights

2.2 Regression Allocation Estimates of Kilowatthours Used for Lighting by the Cost of Electricity, 1993

3.1 Assumptions Used in the Comparison Between Compact Fluorescent and Incandescent Lights

3.2 Electricity Costs Versus Bulb Costs of Compact Fluorescent and Incandescent Light Bulbs, by Cost of Electricity

4.1 Light Usage by Heated Floorspace Category, Millions U.S. Households, 1993

4.2 Light Usage by Heated Floorspace Category, Percent of U.S. Households, 1993

4.3 Light Usage by Total Number of Rooms, Million U. S. Households, 1993

4.4 Light Usage by Total Number of Rooms, Percent of U.S. Households, 1993

4.5 Light Usage by Family Income Category, Million U.S. Households, 1993

4.6 Light Usage by Family Income Category, Percent of U.S. Households, 1993

4.7 Light Usage by Household Size, Million U.S. Households, 1993

4.8 Light Usage by Household Size, Percent of U.S. Households, 1993

4.9 Mean Annual Electricity Consumption for Lighting, by Family Income by Number of Household Members, 1993

4.10 Mean Annual Electricity Consumption for Lighting, by Family Income by Number of Rooms, 1993

4.11 Mean Annual Electricity Consumption for Lighting, by Number of Household Members by Number of Rooms, 1993

4.12 Mean Annual Electricity Expenditures for Lighting, by Family Income by Number of Household Members, 1993

4.13 Mean Annual Electricity Expenditures for Lighting, by Family Income by Number of Rooms, 1993

4.14 Mean Annual Electricity Expenditures for Lighting, by Number of Household Members by Number of Rooms, 1993

4.15 Total Annual Electricity Expenditures for Lighting, by Family Income, Million U.S. Households, 1993

4.16 Total Annual Electricity Expenditures for Lighting, by Number of Rooms, Million U.S. Households, 1993

4.17 Total Annual Electricity Expenditures for Lighting, by Number of Household Members, Million U.S. Households, 1993

4.18 Number of Lights by Room by Hours Used, 1993

4.19 Number of Lights by Type of Bulb by Hours Used, 1993

4.20 Number of Lights by Bulb Type by Room, 1993

4.21 Number of Households by Daily Kilowatthours by Number of Rooms

4.22 Number of Households by Daily Kilowatthours by Number of Household Members

4.23 Number of Households by Daily Kilowatthours by Family Income

A1 Lighting Information Collected by the Household Questionnaire and Lighting Supplement

B1 Bulb Type and Wattage  
Stephanie J. Battles
Phone: 202.586.7237
Fax Number: 202.586.0018

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