Newsroom > Moore From The Hill

For Immediate Release: Friday, May 27, 2005
Contact: Christie   Appelhanz (913) 383-2013

Moore From The Hill - Social Security Online Forum

Dear Friend, As you know, Congress is currently considering various proposals to strengthen and improve Social Security. While Social Security is a commitment we made to our parents and grandparents two generations ago, the future of the program remains an important issue for all of us and for future generations.

As I continue working with my colleagues in a bipartisan manner to achieve the objective of putting Social Security on solid footing for generations to come, it is important for me to hear from my constituents. For this reason, I invite you to join me for an online town hall to discuss this critical issue. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 7, 2005 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. If you are unable to join us at this time, please feel free to submit questions prior to the event and check back after June 7th to read the complete transcript.

To particpate in the forum or submit questions in advance, please visit

Your perspective on these issues truly helps me serve you better, and I look forward to answering any questions you might have. I hope to hear from you on the 7th!

Very truly yours,

DENNIS MOORE Member of Congress

For additional information about Social Security, please visit the following web sites:

I hope that participants will consider and discuss some or all of the following issues:

  • Should the Social Security program continue as an across the board social insurance program for nearly all Americans?

  • Should we fund private investment accounts out of payroll tax funds that are now dedicated to paying current or future Social Security benefits?

  • Should we increase the federal deficit and the national debt to pay for the transition to private investment accounts?

  • If we establish private investment accounts, how should they be administered?
  • Should we expand incentives to save and invest beyond the Social Security system, like IRAs, 401(k)s and other payroll based savings programs?

  • Should the retirement age for receiving Social Security benefits be increased? If so, how high?

  • Do you think the financial challenges facing the Medicare program in the years ahead are more serious than those facing Social Security?

  • Should the method of calculating cost of living adjustments for Social Security be changed? If so, how?

  • Should the method of calculating cost of living adjustments be changed to account for rising health care costs and regional differences?

  • Should we raise or remove the ceiling on wages and salaries that are taxed for Social Security? If so, to what level should it be raised?

  • Should Social Security benefits be reduced for higher income seniors?

  • Should we make Social Security coverage universal, by including groups like state and local employees, who are not now covered?

  • Should estate tax revenues be dedicated to paying back the money that the federal government has borrowed from the Social Security Trust Fund?

  • Should we improve benefits for disabled workers, young survivors, widows and workers with low lifetime earnings? If so, how should they be paid for?
