The Moon - Lunar Orbiter 3

Bruce crater and Sinus Medii on the Moon

The Moon
Lunar Orbiter 3 oblique view of Bruce crater in the foreground and the Sinus Medii Mare plain on the Moon. Bruce crater is 7 km in diameter and 800 m deep. Note the wrinkle ridges near the center of the image and the higher highland ridges in the background. The view is looking westward. (Lunar Orbiter 3, frame M-84)
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Location & Time Information
Date/Time (UT): 1967-02-18 T 00:35:14
Distance/Range (km): 122 km
Central Latitude/Longitude (deg): +0.80/358.96
Orbit(s): N/A

Imaging Information
Area or Feature Type: crater, mare, wrinkle ridge
Instrument: Medium-resolution Camera
Instrument Resolution (pixels): N/A
Instrument Field of View (deg): 44.2 x 37.9
Filter: Clear
Illumination Incidence Angle (deg): 80.17
Phase Angle (deg): 15.55
Instrument Look Direction: N/A
Surface Emission Angle (deg): 71.44

Ordering Information
CD-ROM Volume: N/A
NASA Image ID number: L03-M84
Other Image ID number: N/A
NSSDC Data Set ID (Photo): 66-073Z-01D
NSSDC Data Set ID (CD): N/A
Other ID: N/A

Updated 19 March 2003, DRW.