Natural Gas Annual, 1998

The Natural Gas Annual, 1998 provides information on the supply and disposition of natural gas in the United States. Production, transmission, storage, deliveries, and price data are published by State for 1998. Summary data are presented for each Census Division and State for 1994 to 1998. A section of historical data at the National level shows industry activities back to the 1930's.

The data that appear in the tables of the Natural Gas Annual, 1998 are available as self-extracting executable files in ASCII TXT or CDF file formats. This volume emphasizes information for 1998, although some tables show a five-year history. Please read the file entitled README.V1 for a description and documentation of information included in this file.

Files containing the following data: Natural Gas Supply and Disposition, by State 1998 ASCII TXT, and Natural Gas Summary, United States by Year 1994-1998 ASCII TXT, are also available.

1998 data reported on Form EIA-176 is provided in the following two formats:
1. A self-extracting executable EXE. This file contains a readme file, four data files, and three print images for 1998 data reported on FORM EIA-176, "Annual Report of Natural and Supplemental Gas Supply and Disposition".
2. The EIA-176 Query System. This system provides a method of extracting and using the EIA-176 data, and saving the query results in various mediums and formats. There are pre-set data extractions available, which allow the user to select and run the most often-used queries, as well as the ability to manually create a customized query. A self-extracting executable EXE file is required to set up the system; please read the file entitled README.TXT.


The entire report as a single file. PDF
13.0 MB

Front Matter
Natural Gas Annual Cover Page, Contacts, Preface, and Table of Contents PDF
Overview PDF
Overview Tables
1 Summary Statistics for Natural Gasin theUnited States,1994-1998 PDF
2 Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and Consumption by State, 1998 PDF
Overview Figures
1 Natural Gas Flow Diagram, 1998 PDF
2 Selected Average Prices of Natural Gas in the United States, 1994-1998 PDF
3 Natural Gas Supply and Disposition in the United States, 1998 PDF
Supply PDF
Supply Tables
3 Gross Withdrawals and Marketed Production of Natural Gas by State, 1994-1998 PDF
4 Offshore Gross Withdrawals of Natural Gas by State, 1994-1998 PDF
5 Number of Producing Gas and Gas Condensate Wells by State as of December 31, 1994-1998 PDF
6 Wellhead Value and Marketed Production of Natural Gas by State, 1994-1998 PDF
7 Natural Gas Processed, Liquids Extracted, and Estimated Extraction Loss by State, 1998 PDF
Supply Figures
4 Marketed Production of Natural Gas in the United States, 1998 PDF
5 Marketed Production of Natural Gas in Selected States, 1994-1998 PDF
Transmission PDF
Transmission Tables
8 Interstate Movements and Movements Across U.S. Borders of Natural Gas by State, 1998 PDF
9 Summary of U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports, 1994-1998 PDF
10 Additions to and Withdrawals from Gas Storage by State, 1998 PDF
11 Underground Natural Gas Storage Capacity by State, December 31, 1998 PDF
12 Supplemental Gas Supplies by State, 1998 PDF
Transmission Figures
6 Principal Interstate Natural Gas Flow Summary, 1998 PDF
7 Net Imports as a Percentage of Total Consumption of Natural Gas, 1972-1998 PDF
8 Flow of Natural Gas Imports and Exports, 1998 PDF
9 Locations of Existing Natural Gas Underground Storage Fields in the United States PDF
Consumption PDF
Consumption Tables
13 Consumption of Natural Gas by State, 1994-1998 PDF
14 Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers by State, 1994-1998 PDF
15 Natural Gas Delivered to Commercial Consumers for the Account of Others by State, 1994-1998 PDF
16 Natural Gas Delivered to Industrial Consumers for the Account of Others by State, 1994-1998 PDF
17 Natural Gas Delivered to Electric Utilities for the Account of Others by State, 1994-1998 PDF
18 Firm Natural Gas Deliveries to Consumers by State, 1998 PDF
19 Interruptible Natural Gas Deliveries to Consumers by State, 1998 PDF
20 Natural Gas Deliveries to Commercial Consumers by State, 1998 PDF
21 Natural Gas Deliveries to Industrial Consumers by State, 1998 PDF
22 Natural Gas Deliveries to Electric Utilities by State, 1998 PDF
Consumption Figures
10 Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers in the United States, 1994-1998 PDF
11 Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers in the United States, 1998 PDF
12 Percent of Natural Gas Deliveries in the United States Representing Deliveries for the Account of Others, by Consumer Sector, 1994-1998 PDF
Consumer Prices PDF
Consumer Prices Tables
23 Average City Gate Price of Natural Gas in the United States, 1994-1998 PDF
24 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to Residential Consumers by State, 1994-1998 PDF
25 Average Prices of Natural Gas to Consumers by State, 1998 PDF
26 Prices of Natural Gas Deliveries to Commercial Consumers by State, 1998 PDF
27 Prices of Natural Gas Deliveries to Industrial Consumers by State, 1998 PDF
28 Prices of Natural Gas Deliveries to Electric Utilities by State, 1998 PDF
29 Leading Suppliers of Natural Gas Sold to Residential Customers in the United States, 1998 PDF
30 Leading Suppliers of Natural Gas Sold to Commercial Consumers in the United States, 1998 PDF
31 Leading Suppliers of Natural Gas Sold and Transported in the United States, 1998 PDF
32 Average Residential Annual Consumption and Cost of Natural Gas per Consumer by State, 1994-1998 PDF
Consumer Prices Figures
13 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers in the United States, 1994-1998 PDF
14 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to Residential Consumers, 1980-1998 PDF
15 Average City Gate Price of Natural Gas in the United States, 1998 PDF
16 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U.S. Residential Consumers, 1998 PDF
17 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U.S. Onsystem Commercial Consumers, 1998 PDF
18 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U.S. Onsystem Industrial Consumers, 1998 PDF
19 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U.S. Electric Utilities, 1998 PDF
Census Division Summaries PDF
Census Division Summaries Tables
33 Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers by Census Division, 1998 PDF
34 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers by Census Division, 1998-1998 PDF
35 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - New England, 1994-1998 PDF
36 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Middle Atlantic, 1994-1998 PDF
37 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - East North Central, 1994-1998 PDF
38 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - West North Central, 1994-1998 PDF
39 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - South Atlantic, 1994-1998 PDF
40 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - East South Central, 1994-1998 PDF
41 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - West South Central, 1994-1998 PDF
42 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Mountain, 1994-1998 PDF
43 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Pacific Contiguous, 1994-1998 PDF
44 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Pacific Noncontiguous, 1994-1998 PDF
Census Division Summaries Figures
20 Marketed Production of Natural Gas by Census Division, 1998 PDF
21 Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers by Census Division, 1998 PDF
State Summaries PDF
State Summaries Tables
45 Percent Distribution of Natural Gas Supply and Disposition by State, 1998 PDF
46 Percent Distribution of Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers by State, 1998 PDF
47 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Alabama, 1994-1998 PDF
48 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Alaska, 1994-1998 PDF
49 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Arizona, 1994-1998 PDF
50 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Arkansas, 1994-1998 PDF
51 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - California, 1994-1998 PDF
52 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Colorado, 1994-1998 PDF
53 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Connecticut, 1994-1998 PDF
54 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Delaware, 1994-1998 PDF
55 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - District of Columbia, 1994-1998 PDF
56 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Florida, 1994-1998 PDF
57 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Georgia, 1994-1998 PDF
58 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Hawaii, 1994-1998 PDF
59 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Idaho, 1994-1998 PDF
60 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Illinois, 1994-1998 PDF
61 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Indiana, 1994-1998 PDF
62 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Iowa, 1994-1998 PDF
63 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Kansas, 1994-1998 PDF
64 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Kentucky, 1994-1998 PDF
65 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Louisiana, 1994-1998 PDF
66 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Maine, 1994-1998 PDF
67 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Maryland, 1994-1998 PDF
68 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Massachusetts, 1994-1998 PDF
69 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Michigan, 1994-1998 PDF
70 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Minnesota, 1994-1998 PDF
71 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Mississippi, 1994-1998 PDF
72 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Missouri, 1994-1998 PDF
73 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Montana, 1994-1998 PDF
74 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Nebraska, 1994-1998 PDF
75 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Nevada, 1994-1998 PDF
76 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - New Hampshire, 1994-1998 PDF
77 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - New Jersey, 1994-1998 PDF
78 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - New Mexico, 1994-1998 PDF
79 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - New York, 1994-1998 PDF
80 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - North Carolina, 1994-1998 PDF
81 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - North Dakota, 1994-1998 PDF
82 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Ohio, 1994-1998 PDF
83 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Oklahoma, 1994-1998 PDF
84 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Oregon, 1994-1998 PDF
85 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Pennsylvania, 1994-1998 PDF
86 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Rhode Island, 1994-1998 PDF
87 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - South Carolina, 1994-1998 PDF
88 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - South Dakota, 1994-1998 PDF
89 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Tennessee, 1994-1998 PDF
90 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Texas, 1994-1998 PDF
91 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Utah, 1994-1998 PDF
92 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Vermont, 1994-1998 PDF
93 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Virginia, 1994-1998 PDF
94 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Washington, 1994-1998 PDF
95 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - West Virginia, 1994-1998 PDF
96 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Wisconsin, 1994-1998 PDF
97 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Wyoming, 1994-1998 PDF
Historical Data PDF
Historical Data Tables
98 Quantity and Average Price of Natural Gas Production in the United States, 1930-1998 PDF
99 Supply and Disposition of Natural Gas in the United States, 1930-1998 PDF
100 Natural Gas Consumption in the United States, 1930-1998 PDF
101 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U. S. Consumers, 1967-1998 PDF
Historical Data Figures
22 Natural Gas Supply and Disposition in the United States, 1968-1998 PDF
23 Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers in the United States, 1930-1998 PDF
24 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U.S. Consumers, 1967-1998 PDF
A Summary Data Collection Operations and Report Methodology PDF
B Metric and Thermal Conversion Tables PDF
C Selected Natural Gas and Related Reports PDF
Appendix Tables
A1 Comparison of Electric Utility Natural Gas Consumption Data by State, 1998 PDF
A2 Natural Gas Unaccounted for by State, 1994-1998 PDF
A3 Natural Gas Processed and Liquids Extracted at Natural Gas Processing Plants by State, 1998


A4 Estimated Composition of Liquids Extracted at Natural Gas Processing Plants and the Resulting
Heat Content Extraction Loss by State, 1998
A5 Natural Gas Processed, Liquids Extracted, and Estimated Extraction Loss by State of Origin
(Production) of Natural Gas, 1998
A6 Estimated Total Dry Natural Gas Proved Reserves by State, 1994-1998 PDF
A7 Number of Natural Gas Residential Consumers by State, 1997-1998 PDF
B2 Thermal Conversion Factors and Data, 1994-1998 PDF
B1 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas in the United States, Metric Equivalents, 1994-1998 PDF
Appendix Figures
A1 Form EIA-176 PDF
A2 Form EIA-176, Short Form PDF
A3 Form EIA-895 PDF
Natural Gas Annual Glossary PDF

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File last modified: 10/22/1999