[NIFL-ESL:9318] RE: "poem"

From: Sylvan Rainwater (sylvan@cccchs.org)
Date: Fri Aug 29 2003 - 13:07:34 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9318] RE: "poem"
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It's still offensive. The reality of most of the immigrants I work with is
that they work their butts off day and night, go to school (if they can get
in, given the long waiting lists), clean the house and raise the kids, pay
taxes, and get no health care benefits, no welfare, no food stamps. As their
children get educated, they may or may not stay with the family and help
out. If the child was not born in this country, doesn't matter how well they
do in school or how long they've lived in the state, they still can't attend
college as a state resident or get financial aid. The immigration laws are
so archaic and the INS is so backed up that people have lived and worked and
paid taxes here for years, have jumped through all the hoops, and still
can't get their citizenship.

It seems that you don't work with immigrants or don't see the realities of
their lives. Actually I *hope* you don't work with immigrants, because it
seems you would be insulting them daily. 

Sylvan Rainwater  mailto:sylvan@cccchs.org
Program Managaer Family Literacy
Clackamas Co. Children's Commission /  Head Start
Oregon City, OR  USA

-----Original Message-----
From: nifl-esl@nifl.gov [mailto:nifl-esl@nifl.gov] On Behalf Of Joe Little
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 8:59 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9317] Re: Accept English Only donation?

>  << Welcome to America.
>  > > Do what u like.
>  > > We'll give u tax dollar

>  As a tax paying immigrant, I take offense in this
>  "poem". And I think you know that you are wrong, or
>  you would have added some facts that prove your point.

Antje & all,

No offense meant, but i see your point, so i'll edit it slightly in keeping
with the fact that redistribution of wealth is a many splendored thing:

Welcome (back) to America.
(Continue to)  do what u like.
We'll (continue to) give u tax dollar. 

It's not as pithy tho.


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