Legislative Accomplishments
Congresswoman Maloney has been a leader on a host of important issues before Congress. The Representative has fought to ensure that the priorities of New York City are included in the policy debates of Washington. She voted for the 1993 economic package, that helped to spur the creation of the longest economic expansion in history, creating 22 million new jobs and first budget surplus in 29 years and the largest ever in dollar terms.

Now, as the United States faces the challenge of recovering from the first recession in 10 years, Rep. Maloney will work to ensure that the current Administration does not ignore the needs of America’s working families or continue to undermine the fiscal discipline of the past.

Since Rep. Maloney was elected to Congress in 1992:

  • We’ve passed the Family and Medical Leave Act, a minimum wage increase, and the Violence Against Women Act.
  • We cut crime with tougher enforcement, added more than 100,000 new community police officers, enacted a ban on assault weapons and the Brady law which has kept guns out of the hands felons, fugitives and stalkers.
  • We have passed legislation that authorizes critical funding for processing the backlog of DNA evidence, for training Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners, and for training law enforcement in the collection and handling of forensic evidence, added coverage for cancer screening and cutting edge clinical trials. We've made a major investment in biomedical research. We made sure that people with disabilities could go to work without losing their health care, and that people could switch jobs without losing their coverage and we provided health coverage under the Children's Health Insurance Program to two million previously uninsured children. Rep. Maloney has also continually succeeded in bringing home funding for the Second Avenue Subway.
  • In the 110th Congress, Maloney became Chair of the House Financial Service Committee’s Financial Institutions Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over the nation’s banking system. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also appointed her Vice Chair of the Joint Economic Committee, a House and Senate panel that examines and addresses the nation’s most pressing economic issues. In addition, Maloney is a senior member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

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Last Updated ( November 25, 2008 )