[NIFL-ESL:9615] Re: mystery thanks, and sentence analysis.

From: applepie@minos.ocn.ne.jp
Date: Sun Nov 09 2003 - 07:18:22 EST

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From: 高橋 美津子���釈�鱚羹�瘟踉鏈Γ昂殺1渦殺1渦殺1宛殺1葦殺1渦殺1圧殺1葦殺6柑Γ碓校Γ碓技Γ臼飴Γ臼瓜Γ臼技Γ感殺1臼殺9校Γ臼飴Γ感殺1碓殺1葦殺4胸Γ碓胸Γ臼音甚�裙笏述綺ゲ異良凸�嗅差怯弓ゲ威綺ゲ壱��鴒ゲ允葹鉉鵺ゲ衣鈔ゲ鰯緕�釿絅屋瘤瘡�蜩�侮�辮踟�鐔��Γ橋殺6胸Γ狂殺5音Γ騎殺7飴Γ飢殺5瓜Γ感殺5胸Γ換殺7飴Γ鬼殺3兄Γ軌殺5鎧Γ昂殺1渦殺1渦殺1宛殺1葦殺1渦殺1圧殺1葦殺6柑Γ碓校Γ碓技Γ臼飴Γ臼瓜Γ臼技Γ感殺1臼殺9校Γ臼飴Γ感殺1碓殺1葦殺4胸Γ碓胸Γ臼音��⊂Γ昂殺1渦殺1渦殺1宛殺1葦殺1渦殺1圧殺1葦殺6柑Γ碓校Γ碓技Γ臼飴Γ臼瓜Γ臼技Γ感殺1臼殺9校Γ臼飴Γ感殺1碓殺1葦殺4胸Γ碓胸Γ臼音鹿畩���鏈���韭�鱚竕韈緕���跚齡�踉纂�蓿繙就轣蛹�墾1碓殺1圧殺1芦殺1宛殺4技Γ碓瓜Γ臼技Γ碓源Γ挟殺1宛殺1圧殺1蔚殺1葦殺1唄殺9兄Γ更殺1憶殺4胸Γ臼飴Γ碓技Γ碓音Γ碓源Γ感殺1鯵殺1臼殺1姥賛囎礪繝�吶坤屋枸鋲稔途椋攻欝櫂屋吶坤屋逋齡纈�屋�瘤謫�屋瘤筌屋黼銓緕竇ゲ衣釶踟皷鶤ι遶吶韭�夬拾踉殺6胸Γ橋殺6源Γ飢殺5鎧Γ薫殺5音Γ輝殺4胸Γ偽殺4校Γ薫殺5柑Γ碍殺5飴Γ騎殺9兄Γ臼音Γ臼音Γ碓源Γ碓瓜Γ臼音Γ碓技Γ碓瓜Γ挟殺1姐殺1圧殺1碓殺1臼殺1欝殺4胸Γ臼瓜Γ更殺1碓殺4胸Γ臼飴Γ碓瓜Γ感殺1斡殺1渦殺苳拶商1碓殺1圧殺1芦殺1宛殺4技Γ碓瓜Γ臼技Γ碓源Γ挟殺1宛殺1圧殺1蔚殺1葦殺1唄殺9兄Γ更殺1憶殺4胸Γ臼飴Γ碓技Γ碓音Γ碓源Γ感殺1鯵殺1臼殺1姥纂�商苳�囎礪繝��良凸�嗅差怯弓�綺���鴒�葹鉉鵺�鈔�緕�釿�瘤瘡�蜩�忰也齡頏閭纉齒鬮帙鴦蜿邵�����蜩�鳫竇齠闥��綜癈�皷闢�阡皷謠釶�衷銓緕��瘤黽纈�釿閼蜴膾�砠�衷銓緕��鞳����赱蜴�竏癇黼����瓶廊屋臆�丶髟阡�囈癆��厦�闔�銓�緕苳荳�姥�也鈬鷓���嚔銕纉�東蝴痰續茗�瘤糅�舶齡瘋齒遯�癇緕�齬瘡筱�鈔��纈鵺�葹鉉���阨�跂痲����痰跂��闥粤�齒辣�銓纈纉�鈑 mystery  books.

I have a different topic today.

The following (1)(2)(3)(4) are the sentences where you have to know the
parts of speech to analyze the sentences. (5)(6) are the ones that can be
interpreted as two different meanings, although one of them is possible but
not probable. They are syntactically acceptable. Do you know of any other
variety of these kinds? My students find them both amusing and educational.
Sentences you have composed yourselves will be most welcome. (7)(8) the ones
I made. I’m not sure how they come across to you all.

(1)I think that that that that that wirter used is wrong.
(2)Give a little more space between king and and and and and queen.
(3) We eat all we can but what we can not we can.
(4)Can he can me for kicking a can?

(5)Time flies like an arrow.
(6)Fruit flies like a banana.

(7) These police police the police.
(8) My mother mothers her mother.

The sentences are targeted at upper intermediate and advanced students but
never at those in semantics major in graduate schools.


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