[NIFL-ESL:9519] New Issue of FOB

From: Lynda Terrill (lterrill@cal.org)
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 14:48:04 EDT

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Dear Listers,
Please see the information below on the new issue of "Focus on Basics."

Lynda Terrill

Curriculum. It's at the heart of education. It reflects our educational
philosophies and beliefs. What does research tell us about curriculum?
How do people create it? Read the newest issue of NCSALL's "Focus on
Basics" and find out. It's available online at
http://ncsall.gse.harvard.edu Click on the box "Newest Issue of Focus
on Basics" on the home page.

Articles address curriculum from the perspective of the classroom, the
program, and the state. Guidelines for high quality bilingual
development are included, and theories of curriculum are addressed.

After you've read the issue, discuss it with your peers via a
online discussion on the NIFL-AALPD list. To subscribe, go to
http://www.nifl.gov/lincs/discussions/ We'll be cross posting that
discussion to the FOB list.

Barbara Garner
Editor, Focus on Basics

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