[NIFL-ESL:9324] RE: Accept English Only donation?

From: Cynthia E. Shermeyer (cesherm@UDel.Edu)
Date: Fri Aug 29 2003 - 15:49:03 EDT

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From: "Cynthia E. Shermeyer" <cesherm@UDel.Edu>
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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9324] RE: Accept English Only donation?
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Hi again Sue!

This just came through from Lynda to the NIFL ESL list serve. I would
suggest taking a look at it if you have any spare minutes! Lynda works
for CAL and is the moderator for the list. She has a wealth of
experience and information.  Too bad class is over, this would have been
a great addition for discussion and reading.

Lynda Terrill wrote:
> Dear listers,
> After some quiet times on the discussion list, I was happy to see the many thoughtful comments in response to Cathy Shank's posting yesterday. Cathy related a teacher's concerns about accepting a donation from an "English Only" group (the original email is below). The teacher wanted to explore the issues involved with her class. Cathy specifically asked:
>         What are your thoughts on this one?  Does anyone have any advice or
>         resources to offer?   Has anyone seen any information on the 'English
>         Only' issue that is written at reading level that would be accessible to intermediate   level ESL students?
> Such issues are of concern to ourselves and to learners and programs. I think the discussions themselves are crucial to our democratic society. May I restate the need for everyone to maintain a polite and respectful tone in all messages to each other on this list.
> By the way, the ERIC Digest mentioned in an earlier post, "Official English and English Plus: An Update," 1997 by Vickie Lewelling can be found at http://www.cal.org/ericcll/digest/lewell01.html
> Best wishes for a good holiday weekend.
> Sincerely,
> Lynda Terrill
> NIFL-ESL moderator
> National Center for ESL Literacy Education
> 4646 40th Street NW
> Washington DC 20016-1859
> tel (202) 362-0700 ext. 243
> fax(202) 363-7204
> LTerrill@cal.org
> http://www.cal.org/ncle
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cathy Shank [mailto:cshank@access.k12.wv.us]
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:01 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9287] Accept English Only donation?
> A teacher in my state was approached by an 'English Only' group who was
> interested in donating money for educational materials to her program.
> She decided to go ahead since there seemed to be no apparent strings
> attached to the money--she could use the funds to purchase materials SHE
> selects and she would not be bound to any particular curriculum.  Later,
> the group said they wanted to give her the check publicly at the same
> time a state senator gave a press conference announcing a bill to make
> English the official state language. She is unsure how to respond.
> She CAN make an acceptance speech which clarifies her organization's
> goals, but she fears standing on the same platform with the politician
> will make her appear to be associated with his position.  She plans to
> discuss it with her ESL class as a problem solving type issue.
> What are your thoughts on this one?  Does anyone have any advice or
> resources to offer?   Has anyone seen any information on the 'English
> Only' issue that is written at reading level that would be accessible to
> intermediate level ESL students?
> Thanks for your thoughts and assistance.
> Cathy Shank

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