[NIFL-ESL:9297] Re: Accept English Only donation?

From: Robb Scott (jayhawk76@yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Aug 28 2003 - 17:13:49 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9297] Re: Accept English Only donation?
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A National Study of School Effectiveness for Language
Minority Students' Long-Term Academic Achievement
Final Report: Project 1.1

Principal Investigators: 
Wayne P. Thomas — George Mason University 
Virginia P. Collier — George Mason University

Project Period: 
July 1996 - June 2001


program comparisons, we summarize English language
learners’ long-term achievement on nationally
standardized tests (ITBS, CTBS, Stanford 9, Terra
Nova) in English Total Reading (the subtest measuring
academic problem-solving across the curriculum—math,
science, social studies, literature), for students who
entered the U.S. school district with little or no
proficiency in English in Grades K-1, and following
them to the highest grade level reached by the program
to date:

English language learners immersed in the English
mainstream because their parents refused bilingual/ESL
services showed large decreases in reading and math
achievement by Grade 5, equivalent to almost 3/4 of a
standard deviation (15 NCEs), when compared to
students who received bilingual/ESL services. The
largest number of dropouts came from this group, and
those remaining finished 11th grade at the 25th NCE
(12th percentile) on the standardized reading test.
(pp. 113-114, 122-124, Figures C-1, C-2, Tables C-1,
C-2, C-10, C-11) 

When ESL content classes were provided for 2-3 years
and followed by immersion in the English mainstream,
ELL graduates ranged from the 31st to the 40th NCE
with a median of the 34th NCE (23rd percentile) by the
end of their high school years. (pp. 112-114, 126-127,
241-256, Figures C-1, C-2, E-1, E-6, E-7, E-8, E-9,
E-14, Tables C-1, C-2, E-1, E-6, E-7, E-8, E-9, E-14) 

50-50 Transitional bilingual education students who
were former ELLs, provided with 50 percent instruction
in English and 50 percent instruction in Spanish for
3-4 years, followed by immersion in the English
mainstream, reached the 47th NCE (45th percentile) by
the end of 11th grade. (pp. 112-114, 126-127, Figures
C-1, C-2, Tables C-1, C-2) 

90-10 Transitional bilingual education students who
were former ELLs reached the 40th NCE (32nd
percentile) by the end of 5th grade. (In 90-10 TBE,
for Grades PK-2, 90 percent of instruction is in the
minority language, gradually increasing English
instruction until by Grade 5, all instruction is in
the English mainstream for the remainder of
schooling.) (pp. 119-122, Figure C-8, Table C-7) 

50-50 One-way developmental bilingual education
students who were former ELLs reached the 62nd NCE
(72nd percentile) after 4 years of bilingual schooling
in two high-achieving school districts, outperforming
their comparison ELL group schooled all in English by
15 NCEs (almost 3/4 of a national standard deviation—a
very large significant difference). By 7th grade,
these bilingually schooled former ELLs were still
above grade level at the 56th NCE (61st percentile).
(One-way is one language group being schooled through
two languages.) (pp. 48-52, 58, Figures A-1, A-3,
Tables A-5, A-6) 

90-10 One-way developmental bilingual education
students who were former ELLs reached the 41st NCE
(34th percentile) by the end of 5th grade. (90-10
means that for Grades PK-2, 90 percent of instruction
is in the minority language, gradually increasing
English instruction to 50 percent by Grade 5, and a
DBE program continues both languages in secondary
school.) (pp. 119-122, Figure C-8, Table C-7) 

50-50 Two-way bilingual immersion students who were
former ELLs attending a high-poverty, high-mobility
school: 58 percent met or exceeded Oregon state
standards in English reading by the end of 3rd and 5th
grades. (Two-way is two language groups receiving
integrated schooling through their two languages;
50-50 is 50 percent instruction in English and 50
percent in the minority language.) (pp. 201-204,
Figures D-4, D-6, Table D-18) 

90-10 Two-way bilingual immersion students who were
former ELLs performed above grade level in English in
Grades 1-5, completing 5th grade at the 51st NCE (51st
percentile), significantly outperforming their
comparison groups in 90-10 transitional bilingual
education and 90-10 developmental bilingual education.
(pp. 119-121, Figure C-8, Table C-7) 

--- Joe Little <fyi@americanliteracy.com> wrote:
> >  How about taking the money, and during your
> acceptance speech explain why English only
> >   is absurd. They may take the money away, but you
> may get some converts. 
> Andres, Kate, Cathy & all,
> How about take the money and during your acceptance
> speech explain why English Only is absolutely good
> and well-- Unless u want state and federal
> governments that take us down a slippery of slope of
> printing any and all documents and records--let's
> see, in order of frequency, Spanish, Korean,
> Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian,oh, yes, and Polish,
> dang if they're not willing or able to speak the
> melting pot language then they ARE a drag on the
> economy, social services, legal system, etc. Name an
> organization with-
> out a lunatic fringe?
> >  That's a rough one.  I think I would politely and
> regretfully decline the 
> >  donation. It was somewhat underhanded of the
> English Only organization to 
> >  expect her to stand forth in that way.
> Perhaps underhanded. Certainly manipulative, at
> least in a benign sort of way...and i repeat:name an
> organization without strings attached to the money
> it doles out? Am 
> i missing something here? Shouldnt 'english only' be
> credited with giving her warning regarding the
> hope/expectation on their part?  
> >  Naturally, the community expects an ESL teacher
> to encourage use of English 
> >  in the immigrant community.  What bothers me
> about many in the English Only 
> >  movement is that they see it as an opportunity to
> send unwelcoming messages 
> >  to newcomers.  They use promotion of North
> American culture and the English 
> >  language to devalue other languages and     ures.
> How many English Onlians have u met, spoken with,
> heard speak? Have u infiltrated their ranks? For my
> money the most unwelcome message to newcomers is
> this: we want u to keep your language, culture,
> habits. The subliminal message:learn english
> if u like (i.e., become integrated in mainstream of
> american society) but if u dont, we have a plethora
> of stringattached crutches to aid u in your extended
> stay outside the mainstream.
> >  To be seen accepting a donation in such a public
> manner could be perceived in 
> >  so many ways.  There will be misconceptions that
> this teacher accepts not 
> >  only the overt message of the English Only
> movement, but the anti-immigrant 
> >  rumblings of the lunatic fringe. 
> Do u favor the overt message of English Only, or
> not?
> Pax to native & immigrant.
> Joe

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