[NIFL-ESL:9190] Re: ESL resources and teacher development

From: mjankowska@alphaplus.ca
Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 09:28:40 EDT

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Dear Valley,

My name is Monika and I work for Centre AlphaPlus Centre, a resource centre for
adult learners, in Toronto, Canada. We have a library collection here and sell
resources for ESL and Literacy field. You might want to checkout a software
program called Reading in the Workplace. It provides job-related passages for
workplace readiness programs.
(Automotive, Health Care, Food Service, Construction, Electronics, Clerical).

Students achieve mastery of job-related reading through these vocabulary-rich
On-the-job photography and striking graphics combine with interactive computer
to provide a meaningful work-based experience. Students get immediate feedback,
reinforcement and further instruction if necessary. Each program has three
progressive levels of
reading difficult allowing your students to increase their reading ability to
the point of understanding
 technical manuals, printed instructions, written orders, and memos.

Level: low-intermediate to advanced.

Occupations include: Automotive, Health Care, Food Service, Construction,
Electronics, Clerical.

Reading for assembling complex mechanisms, new systems, technical skills,
general trade information and more.

Health Care:
Understanding medical terminology, hospital and home care, emergency and safety
procedures, doctor's orders, counseling instructions and more.

Food Service:
Understanding different types of foods, preparation, practices, safety and much

Reading technical instructions, installation procedures, safety warning,
maintenance directions and more.

Reading and understanding electrical terminology, procedures, safety and more.

Reading job descriptions, computer documentation, technical skills, notes, memos
 and more.

Self-paced story screens followed by multiple-choice questions.
Units address: Main Idea, Details, Inference, Conclusion, Contextual Vocabulary,
 Sequencing, Recognizing Problems, and Determining Cause & Effect.
Built-in spoken glossary.
Help Option defines skills.

Each job area has 40+ reproducible Activity Masters for reinforcement.
Learn terms found in real-life work situations to improve vocabulary and
comprehension skills.
Excellent for ESL programs.

We also carry a book called Nursing in a New Language which is specifically
designed to improve learner's vocabulary in this field.

If you have any questions or would like to learn how to order those products,
please feel free to contact me at mjankowska@alphaplus.ca

I hope that this helps,

Monika J.

Valley Peters <valleydemt@yahoo.com> on 07/14/2003 04:57:59 PM

Please respond to nifl-esl@nifl.gov

 To:      Multiple recipients of list                         
 cc:      (bcc: Monika Jankowska)                             
 Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9186] ESL resources and teacher           


I just want to say how much I've enjoyed all of the
postings on gender differences and language

I am writing to inquire about workplace focused texts.
 I have copies of the Workplace Plus editions, but
many of our students want something more specific to
their given job.  For example, texts on construction
work/landscaping, hotel/housekeeping, and working in
restaurants.  We have several Picture Dictionaries
with vocabulary for these work situations but if
anyone has other suggestions of resources I would very
much appreciate more ideas.

The other issue I'd like to bring up is teacher
training and professional development.  As with many
ESL programs out there, we experience high turn-over
with our teachers.  Our positions are part time
because we only offer evening classes.  Our teachers
have other jobs as their primary source of income and
most do not have formal training.  It's a priority in
our program to provide professional development
opportunities - thus far consisting of doing readings
on a topic, experimenting with a new idea from the
reading in class, and then journaling about that
experience. We also provide occasional workshops.  I'm
hoping to introduce a reflective piece this week with
the teachers - so we'll be starting to look at how
reflective practice works.

My question is for other programs who don't have
full-time teachers or formally trained teachers - what
kind of professional development are you providing and
what's been most successful?

Thank you,
Valley Peters
Teton Literacy Program

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Monika Jankowska
Marketing and Distribution Coordinator
Centre AlphaPlus Centre  (http://alphaplus.ca)
Telephone: 416-322-1012 ext. 117
Fax: 416-322-0780
TTY: 416-322-5751

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