[NIFL-ESL:8931] Re: bogus certification

From: Gustav Kocsis (gkocsis@sfccnm.edu)
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 11:32:34 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:8931] Re: bogus certification
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Thank you for the heads up on this one

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter MacMonagle [mailto:peter.macmonagle@cpcc.edu]
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 8:12 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [NIFL-ESL:8930] Re: bogus certification

To the group,

The piece of paper does not grant the ability to do the work. I'd hate to be
the person who tries "Catch Me If You Can" in ESL. Robin Williams could do
it in "Good Morning Vietnam" but I believe it takes more than a willing
attitude and a computer generated diploma to make it work.

Wm. Peter MacMonagle
Instructor Workplace Basic Skills
West Campus 2214-1
Central Piedmont CC
Charlotte, NC 

>>> fkeenan@pbs.org 05/08/03 09:58AM >>>
crossposted from Neteach-L list:
written by Douglas DeLong:

I've seen lots of offers for bogus university degrees, but I've never
seen anyone offering a bogus TEFL certificate...until today.

Someone submitted an ad to my ESL Classifieds site which is amusing and
troubling at the same time. "Easy TEFL" promises to send you a "legal"
TEFL certificate if you fork over $129. They use a unique
"self-evaluation" method to grant their certificates. If you can answer
YES to this question: "Do you feel that you are qualified (through
experience or self-study) to teach ESL classes?" you can receive this
"prestigious and internationally recognized TEFL certificate" from the
"International School of English Communication." Their inspirational
slogan is: NO COURSEWORK! Who could resist their offer of a TEFL
certificate "without the hassle of studying?" They'll even throw in a
transcript detailing your 120 hours of coursework, and a letter of
recommendation which "praises your achievements and strongly encourages
prospective employers to hire you!"

You can check out their site at: http://www.easytefl.com/

Douglas DeLong

ESL Classifieds


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