[NIFL-ESL:9149] Re: hello

From: Ujwala Samant (usamant@comcast.net)
Date: Fri Jul 11 2003 - 19:09:27 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9149] Re: hello
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>>Hey Jane , exactly which countries are you referring to that might be
with a sense of shame  because they weren't mentioned in that statement
below?? The list could conceivably include the rest of the world according
to the way you appear interpret  Susan's message!  (Now wouldn't the French
just love it if that were true!!!) <<

That's assuming the French care or are carefully scanning ESL listservs <G>!

 >>Of course we place value judgements all
the time as human beings dear Jane .That doesn't mean that all must agree to
every statement issued  on this site. If we have to be careful of opining on
this site than I predict that the conversation will soon dry up.  <<

I agree with the general idea you bring up, but have you been following the
discussion about censorship on NIFL listservs at all? Not all kinds of
opinions are welcome on this listserv and a number of others. Andres's
remark addresses just that! Of course one does not have to agree with every
statement, but Jane has the same right to express her opinion as you and I
do, ours. I personally did not see either messages as praising one in order
to demean another language. I think Jean-Christophe is not quite sure what
listserv he has joined. I think he might feel he is on an ESOL listserv, to
practice his English skills, or to improve them. I could of course be wrong
<g> as happens, often. And yes, we do have to be careful of opining on this
Ujwala Samant

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