[NIFL-ESL:8732] BEST oral

From: Barb Linek (eslmax@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 14:25:56 EST

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From: "Barb Linek" <eslmax@hotmail.com>
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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:8732] BEST oral
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Has anyone ever administered the BEST oral test?  It looks difficult to score--more complicated than the NYSP.  However, it sounds like many states are considering switching to the BEST oral since it has two forms.  I'd like the opinions of people who've actually used it. 

How is the inter-rater reliability?  Do students show good progress with it?  How long does it take to administer?

Barb Linek
Project MAX
Adult Education Services Coordinator
(815) 609-9935
----Original Message Follows----
From: Winston Lawrence <WINSTONL@LACNYC.ORG>
Reply-To: nifl-esl@nifl.gov
To: Multiple recipients of list <NIFL-ESL@LITERACY.NIFL.GOV>
Subject: [NIFL-ESL:8731] Re: NIFL's Policy
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 13:52:14 -0500 (EST)
I appreciate your effort to maintain decorum on this list-serv. Your
explanation of the unfolding of events is greatly appreciated. I think the
problem may well lie within the context of un moderated list-serv. I
remember my reactions when in the beginning of the discussions I saw some
personal attacks. I thought to myself, no offence intended, "Is the List
moderator sleeping or away? Didn't she/he see this"? I would suggest that
you intervene earlier whenever situations of this type occur. On some
lists, such comments would not pass. At a policy level, you need to
preserve the "netiquette", since many teachers/tutors view this list as an
important source of information to enhance their classroom instructional
practices. There is no need to turn them away, even unintentionally.
Winston Lawrence
At 02:21 PM 3/3/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Subscribers;
>I would like to re-emphasize NIFL's policy regarding content and methods of
>discussions on NIFL lists:
>1. For those who are concerned about censorship, NIFL lists are not
>moderated - messages posted to the lists are not screened by moderators
>before they are posted. This policy was established based on the assumption
>that list participants would respect their initial agreement to adhere to
>the lists rules and "netiquette." When the lists were created, NIFL did not
>believe in limiting or controlling the content; and entrusted list members
>to create a space where ideas can be exchanged openly and with respect.
>Since 1995, when the discussion lists were established on LINCS, there have
>been very few cases where participants disregarded NIFL's policy. NIFL
>handled these incidents accordingly.
>2. NIFL reserves the right to block participants who continue to be
>offensive to the list moderators or other list participants. Our policy has
>been to handle each case privately with the posters, requesting them to
>respect the list "netiquette." In cases where the posters continue their
>offensive messages, NIFL reserves the right to take them off the list.
>Throughout the life of the NIFL discussion lists, many participants have
>openly and freely discussed pros and cons of political issues that they care
>about within the context and the focus of the of the NIFL lists. During the
>past few weeks, a list member, in a few of his messages, has attempted to
>use this list as a political forum for his personal positions and a tool to
>insult those who do not agree with him and has overstepped the boundaries of
>The ESL list moderator, Lynda Terrill, sent him a private message, reminding
>him of the focus of the list as well as inviting him to review the list
>"netiquette". His response to her was disrespectful. He continued to extend
>his offensive remarks to her and other members of the list. Several list
>participants who were offended by his messages have unsubscribed themselves
>from the list. NIFL has received private messages indicating their disgust
>at his remarks. NIFL cannot allow this behavior to continue.
>This member was taken off from the list based on his offensive remarks and
>not because of his political views. Over the weekend, he signed up again to
>the list that he quoted is "a repressive wasteland, like much of the
>political and social climate of the current US" (see message
>[NIFL-ESL:8687]). NIFL will block his new subscription and will remove his
>abusive messages from the archives.
>I encourage list participants not to respond to messages that contain
>offensive remarks. As with any list, any series of angry letters, especially
>where messages are directed to one or two people, can dominate the tone and
>destroy the camaraderie of a discussion group. It's unfair to the other
>members of the group and it is an unfair monopolization of our time.
>Thank you for your patience in this matter. Please contact us directly if
>you have any questions or comments.
>Jaleh Behroozi Soroui
>National LINCS Director
>National Institute for Literacy
>1775 I street, Suite 730
>Washington DC, 20006
>Phone: 202/233-2039
>FAX: 202/233-2050
Dr Winston Lawrence
Coordinator of Adult Literacy Services
Literacy Assistance Center
32 Broadway 10th Floor
NY NY 10004
Tel. (212) 803-3326
Fax:(212) 785-3685

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