[NIFL-ESL:9228] request for information regarding video delivery platforms

From: Lynda Terrill (lterrill@cal.org)
Date: Tue Jul 22 2003 - 09:46:38 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9228] request for information regarding video delivery platforms
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Dear subscribers,

Cameron Cox of INTELECOM asked to have the following message and questions posted. Please reply directly to him at ccox@intelecom.org or(800) 576-2988 extension 112.


Lynda Terrill
NIFL-ESL Moderator

INTELECOM, the non-profit producer of the Crossroads Café, On Common Ground, Madison Heights and Lifelines television and print series for adult education, is again researching the viability of these video series on digital delivery platforms such as DVD or Video CD.  We are also hoping to find out more about program use and delivery of video content for classroom use or distance learning.  We were grateful for the responses we received from our survey of last year.  As we revisit the issue, we would appreciate any feedback you can once again provide.

1.  What format are you currently using for delivery of educational video to your adult learners, whether in the classroom or at a distance? (can be one or more)

        Video CD 
        Internet (streaming video) 

2.  Are you using, or would you use, DVD in support of adult education? 

3.  Are you using, or would you use, Video CD (authored for playback on PC, Mac, and DVD)? 

4.  Are you using, or would you use, streaming video (served-based audiovisual content)? 

5.  Of the following formats, which do you prefer most for your adult learners? (select one) 

       Video CD 
       Streaming video 


Thank you, 

Cameron Cox 
(800) 576-2988 extension 112

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