[NIFL-ESL:8516] ALERT!! Are YOU Ready for the Future? NAASLN Conference Sessions!

From: NAASLN@aol.com
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 12:35:23 EST

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***Please post this notice on listservs and internal mailing lists for 
persons providing services in: 
•  Adult basic and literacy education
•  Vocational rehabilitation and job training
•  Disability and Counseling Services
•  TANF - Human Services, Employment services
•  Mental retardation/developmental disabilities,
•  Behavioral Healthcare:  Persistent mental illnesses
•  Behavioral Healthcare:  Substance abuse
•  Correction education programs

For complete conference information visit www.naasln.org

This is an opportunity YOU can't miss!  

The 2003 National Association for Adults with Special Learning Needs has 
finalized its conference program.  People and Partnerships First!  Advocating 
and Collaborating for Access, Quality, and Outcomes will be held in Columbus, 
OH, March 15 - 18, 2003.  It is not too late to take advantage of this 
remarkable opportunity to gain the knowledge, build skills, learn about 
successful programs and practices, and locate resources to improve your 
capacity to deliver services that drive outcomes!

NAASLN 2003 is the ONLY conference that addresses the underlying issues of 
adults with special learning needs that are critical for learning success and 
creating personal empowerment.  

NAASLN 2003 offers an array of service delivery successes, best practices 
leading to evidence-based research, and successful models waiting to be 

When the future means better utilization of all resources -- NAASLN's 
sessions offer the information YOU need to know as a professional and as a 

Some highlights of the pre-conference and conference sessions (for complete 
session descriptions and conference registration forms visit www.naasln.org) 

Keynote:  Andrew Imparato, JD
Leadership, Advocacy, Organizing:  Making our Voices Heard in Challenging 
New Freedom Initiative for People with Disabilities 

Dr. Dale Jordan
Brain Research -- Understanding the Neurological Functioning of Persons with 
Special Learning Needs -- What Every Service Provider Needs to Know  
Mental Health and Biochemical Challenges that Hide Beneath the Surface of LD

Fred Edwards, Frank Bowe, Ph.D., James Koller, Ph.D., Nancie Payne, Neil 
Sturomsky,  Tina Tucker
Accessing Accommodations on the GED

Rob Crawford, Veronica Crawford, Chris Lee, Jim Russell, PhD, Dale Sherman
Leadership Development Pre-Conference:  Personal and Program Advocacy For 
Individuals with Hidden Disabilities   

Frank Bowe, Ph.D.
PAYING FOR IT - The Question No One Wants to Ask about Adult, Continuing, and 
Community College Services for Students with Sensory and Physical 

Beth Stoneking, Ph.D.
Overcoming & Becoming Yourself: From Victim to Victor Using Recovery 
Principles and Practices
Putting Recovery Principles into Practice                                     

Veronica Crawford -- Author
Embracing the Monster ... When Going Out Means Terror Instead of Enjoyment.  
Understanding the Complexities and Impact of Socializing on Emotions

Sam Drew, Ph.D.
Effective Strategies for Increasing High School Graduation Rates  

Patricia Walsh
Project ACCESS Transition Academy: A Model Program for Transition to Adult 

Kay Werk, LISW
The Impact of Trauma and Human Crisis on the Brain, Life, and Learning   

Patricia Hardman, Ph.D.
It Didn't Just Go Away Because they Grew Older: Dyslexia/ADD/SLD Affects 
Adults in Many Different Ways  
Multisensory Structured Language Education: More Than Theories -- Practical, 
Accredited, Curriculum for the Dyslexic/ADD/SLD Learner 

June Crawford, Jeff Fantine, JD,  Margaret Girkins,  Shelley Jackson, JD,  
Denise Pottmeyer, Jim Washburn
Collaborations and Partnerships:  ABE and TANF

Scott Lissner
Transitions & Accommodations: Education Programs -- On the Job Training -- On 
the Job           

Margaret Lindop
Teaching LD Adults? Enter Here - LINCS LD Online Resources

Althea O'Haver
TRANSITIONS for Special Needs Youth!   An Important Plan for the Future!      

Kay Werk, LISW and Laura Weisel, Ph.D.
EMDR Research:   Adults with Special Learn Needs Turn from Victims to Victors 

Carol Cornett  
Access to Success: Adult Basic Education for the Visually Impaired  

Bud Pues
The ABCs of Teaching Reading to Adults with Severe Reading Problems 
All Great Minds Don't Think Alike     

Jeff Fantine, JD
Accommodations, Adaptations, and Learning Strategies  
Bridges-to-Practice and Beyond     

Noelle K. Kurth, Daryl F. Mallard, PhD 
The Individual Accommodations Model (IAM): Ensuring the Success of Students 
with Disabilities (SWD) in Postsecondary Settings  

Bridges Over Corrections 
June Crawford, Steve Steurer 

Ann Murr
Learning Disabilities and Adults with Low Reading Skills:  What's the 

Debra Watkins
Websites and Accessibility

Cindy Holodnak
L2000+  A Model Leadership Development Program for Emerging Leaders    

Sarah Cass, Bridget Rottinghaus, Clare Spathelf, Phillip Stockwell
Making the Connection:  At Risk Learners and the World of Work  

Susan Imel, Ph.D.
Strategies for Managing Information Overload: ERIC and the World Wide Web  

Tonette S. Rocco, Ph.D.
Helping Adult Educators Understand Disability Disclosure     

Glen Hopkins
Moving Recovery From Concept to Practice  

Julie DeSiderio, M.Ed., Terry P. Wetzel, M. Ed. 
Courses, Careers, Cooperation, and Closure: Partnering Disability Services   

Alan Toops, Jennifer Groves, Joe Stevens, Jon Warren
Re-thinking Systems: Designing Effective Reentry Services for 
Struggling Adult Learners In Correction Systems    

Richard Cooper, Ph.D.
Teaching Math to Adults with Learning Differences   
Vocabulary Development
Teaching Adult Learners with Low-Level Reading Skills             

Nancie Payne
Evaluating the Transition to Work  
The Impact of Learning Disabilities in the Workplace
Motivating Students to Learn       

Richard Gacka, Ed.D.
The 3A's -- Ability, Achievement, and Attitude  Part 2, Case Studies and 
Application of Model 

Elaine Gutowitz
Seeing  By the Colors  

Wayne Cocchi
Disability Services at Columbus State and Other 2-Year Institutions  

Marion Agnew
A Practical Approach to the Integration of Learning Styles and Multiple 
Intelligences Into an Adult Education Environment  

Lynn Cook
Help!   I Can't Show What I know on Tests!    

Robyn Rennick
A Model Literacy Program for Dyslexia/ADD/SLD Adults  
Don't Tell Me How To Study, Teach Me How    

Angie Siemer,   Alan Toops
Research, Recidivism, and Reentry:   Building Transitional Programs for 

Alan Toops
Changing the Way We Think about Assessments:  CASAS's POWER  and PowerPath to 
Basic Learning  
CASAS Training        

Russell Smith,  Mary L. Hosier
Puzzle Pieces: Integrating PowerPath, Bridges-to-Practice, HeartMath, and 
Learning Styles to Improve Student Outcomes in Missouri Department of 
Corrections Schools   

Fran Holthaus
Vision and LD - a Look at The Effects of Long-Term Vision Problems      

Connie Sue Zang
MRDD -- What It Is And What It Is Not   

Tina Tucker
An Interactive Overview of Best Practices for Instructing Adults Who are 
Blind or Visually Impaired         

Laura Weisel, Ph.D., Dale Sherman
Emotions!  The Prerequisite to Learning 

Laura Weisel, Ph.D.
Supporting Persons with Persistent Mental Illnesses in Education and Work     

David Osher, Ph.D.
Special Education and Juvenile Justice 
Transition Needs of Students with Emotional Disturbance  

Ann Washington
Transition Skills for the Incarcerated   

Candyce Ihnot
Read Naturally     


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