[NIFL-ESL:8755] RE: NIFL's Policy

From: Dottie Shattuck (dottie@shattuck.net)
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 14:14:44 EST

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From: "Dottie Shattuck" <dottie@shattuck.net>
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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:8755] RE: NIFL's Policy
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Melinda -- I'm so sorry that you were attacked personally, especially since it was
I who asked the question (in all innocence) that started the mess!  I'm surprised
& saddened by such behavior.

I hope you'll reconsider.  Most of the time, most of us are very professional.

Dottie Shattuck

 ----- Original Message -----
From: "Melinda Hefner" <mhefner@cccti.edu>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <nifl-esl@literacy.nifl.gov>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 11:49 AM
Subject: [NIFL-ESL:8750] RE: NIFL's Policy

| This will, unfortunately, be my last post on this list.  I have learned
| so much from so many of you.  And, over the course of my being a list
| member, so many of you have helped with questions specific to my working
| on an ESL/Civics Education Project.  The generosity that you have shown
| is greatly appreciated.  Many of you took the time to e-mail me
| privately to give information, instructional tips, curriculum ideas,
| lesson plan information, etc.  I am so grateful for your having done
| that.  As a relative newcomer to English literacy, I learned so much
| more from you than I was able to share in return.  Again, thank you so
| much for your insight, your caring about our students, and your
| willingness to share with one another so that we can help our students
| master English and become fully participating members of their
| communities.
| I tried so very hard to stay out of the heated discussions that have
| been posted lately, and, to the best of my recollection, I did not post
| anything to the group regarding the "debates".  But I became very
| frustrated when the ugly attacks came without an apparent end.
| Unfortunately, I sent the following post to the list:  "Will the list
| moderator PLEASE do something about this person's inexcusable attacks on
| members of this list?  Thanks!"  In retrospect, I should have sent this
| to the list moderator.  I apologize for "dragging" the other list
| members into my request.
| Shortly after that posting, I received an off list e-mail from the
| banned member saying, "You'll get yours too someday. CJ"   This is the
| kind of ugliness that I had hoped to avoid for the list, but I found
| myself being on the receiving end of it instead.
| Best wishes to all of you.  So many of you do such a wonderful job on
| behalf of our students.  And thank you to the list moderator(s) for
| trying to make this list a wonderful place for the exchange of ideas to
| help us all be better at our craft.
| Warm regards,
| Melinda Hefner
| >>> WonJst@netscape.net 03/05 11:55 PM >>>
| "Miriam Burt" <miriam@cal.org> wrote:
| >And I do not wish to see messages on this list serve (or in my own
| mailbox either for that matter) where folks call other folks crybabies
| and attack them personally for their views. It's not and issue of
| censorship: it's of keeping someone from yelling fire in a crowded
| theatre when there's no fire.<<
| Is your sense of proportion a bit skewed here? Are your priorities
| straight, given all that is going on in the world right now?
| I ask that you moderate and lead discussions and stop censoring the
| list. It's that simple. Also, you might all be a bit more honest about
| what happened instead of dumping on one person who became upset (he
| didn't use words like 'asinine' or 'troublemaker', two others did). The
| individual became upset at the whining, upset at the dishonesty, and
| upset about the censorship. At least that is what he said in a post
| offlist.
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