Congressman Robert Wexler, 19th District of Florida
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  » Wexler Hails Expansion of Health Care for Children
  January 14, 2009 (Washington, DC) Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) lauded the House of Representatives for passing legislation that renews and expands the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). With a soaring (More)

  » Wexler to Speak at Israel Solidarity Rallies, Hold County-wide Summit on Crisis Facing Nonprofits in the Struggling Economy
  January 8, 2009 (Boca Raton, FL) On Sunday, January 11th and Monday, January 12th Congressman Robert Wexler will hold district events, including delivering speeches at three Israel Solidarity Rallies to support Israel’s (More)

  » House Passes Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act
  July 23, 2008 (Washington, D.C.) Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) joined a bipartisan majority of his colleagues in the House of Representatives (More)

  » Wexler Votes for Production of 10.6 Billion Barrels of Domestic Oil
  July 17, 2008 Today, Congressman Wexler voted for the Drill Act, which would bring 10.6 billion barrels of oil immediately to American (More)

April 15, 2008  

National Day of Silence
Resolution honors student vow of silence for sexual orientation based harassment and discrimination

Congressman Wexler has proudly signed on as an original cosponsor to a resolution honoring the National Day of Silence, a day in which students take a vow of silence to bring attention to the anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) name-calling, bullying, and harassment faced by individuals in schools.  The Day of Silence is coordinated nationally by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and this year is being held on April 25, 2008.  An estimated 500,000 students from nearly 5,000 junior and high schools in all 50 states and Puerto Rico have participated in the National Day of Silence in past years. 

Children who go to school to learn must not be forced to fear for their safety. Considering that more than 80 percent of LGBT students have been verbally harassed and nearly 20 percent of LGBT students have been physically assaulted by their peers at school because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, it is vital that we lend our support and our voices to the effort to ensure a safe school environment for all children.  For this reason, Congressman Wexler is proud to participate in honoring the invaluable National Day of Silence.

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