Congressman Robert Wexler, 19th District of Florida
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  » Wexler Hails Expansion of Health Care for Children
  January 14, 2009 (Washington, DC) Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) lauded the House of Representatives for passing legislation that renews and expands the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). With a soaring (More)

  » Wexler to Speak at Israel Solidarity Rallies, Hold County-wide Summit on Crisis Facing Nonprofits in the Struggling Economy
  January 8, 2009 (Boca Raton, FL) On Sunday, January 11th and Monday, January 12th Congressman Robert Wexler will hold district events, including delivering speeches at three Israel Solidarity Rallies to support Israel’s (More)

  » House Passes Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act
  July 23, 2008 (Washington, D.C.) Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) joined a bipartisan majority of his colleagues in the House of Representatives (More)

  » Wexler Votes for Production of 10.6 Billion Barrels of Domestic Oil
  July 17, 2008 Today, Congressman Wexler voted for the Drill Act, which would bring 10.6 billion barrels of oil immediately to American (More)

July 15, 2008
Contact: Josh Rogin
Phone: (202) 225-3001

Wexler Votes to Override Bush Veto of Legislation to Pay Doctors Fairly for Care of Medicare Patients
Override of veto passes by bipartisan vote of 383 to 41

(Washington, DC) Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) voted with a bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives to override President Bush’s veto of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008. This legislation prevents a 10.6% payment cut to doctors who serve Medicare patients and helps ensure that seniors and the disabled have continued access to quality medical care.

“President Bush turned his back on doctors and patients alike by vetoing this legislation and effectively endorsing a massive payment cut for physicians who serve Medicare patients,” said Congressman Wexler. “Fourty-four million seniors and disabled individuals depend on Medicare, and if the physician cuts are enacted, the ability of these Americans to simply see a doctor will be jeopardized.  That is not a risk I am willing to take. Our nation’s economy is in turmoil, Americans are facing rising costs left and right, and it has never been more crucial for Congress to stand up to President Bush to ensure that doctors receive the compensation necessary to continue serving Medicare beneficiaries.”

In 1997, Congress passed legislation to control Medicare costs, including payment reductions to physicians.  As healthcare costs have exploded, this formula has mandated deeper cuts in payments to doctors each year. The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 stops the next scheduled cuts and instead implements a modest increase. In addition to preventing these cuts, the bill contains several provisions to improve Medicare, including coverage for preventative services, parity for mental health treatments, and more affordable services for low-income seniors and disabled individuals who need extra help to afford even basic care. The vote to override President Bush’s veto of H.R. 6331 passed by 383 to 41.


Congressman Wexler is Chairman of the Europe Subcommittee and a senior member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the House Judiciary Committee; and he also sits on the Financial Services Committee.

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