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My Trip to Iraq

I recently traveled to Iraq for a first hand look at “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” As part of an eight member Congressional delegation, I traveled to Baghdad and Kirkuk to visit with United States troops, and see the work they are doing to free that country and ensure it does not threaten the safety of our nation and the safety of the free world.

After landing at the Baghdad International Airport, we spent our first day in Baghdad. To my surprise, among the first people welcoming me off the plane was a man from right here in the Fourth Congressional district – Marion County. While we had never before met, our families have known each other for years.

After a quick tour of the airport’s U.S. military presence, we met with the Coalition Provisional Authority for an overview and a working lunch.

Our first stop outside the airport was the make-shift headquarters of the U.S. led coalition. Because our forces had no place to set up headquarters, buildings previously used by Saddam Hussein and his regime have been converted for this purpose. As you would expect, Saddam Hussein’s former palace was very ornate – looking more like a hotel than a home. While walking to our meeting through the decorated marble hallways, one of Ambassador Paul Bremer’s staff told us that Saddam probably had 100 of these palaces throughout Iraq. (Paul Bremer is leading the provisional government until power is turned over to the Iraqi people).

During our meeting, officials there briefed us on Iraq’s overall economy. Specifically how it was flat on its back when coalition forces arrived. Hussein and his loyalists were the main cause of the economic depression – the country’s money was spent mainly on two things: first, the purchase of weapons and ammunition; and second, the construction of large palaces for Hussein and his supporters.

Also during our meeting, Members of Congress expressed our concerns that the needed resources and equipment are available to the National Guard and reservists serving in Iraq.

After our meeting, it was off to Baghdad’s Al Dura power plant. This is one of the city’s main power plants, but for years, the Hussein government has neglected and abused it. Now, the coalition forces are joining the Iraqi people in refurbishing the facility so it can supply adequate power to the community.

The day’s last Baghdad stop was a meeting with the 135th Military Police Company to discuss their thoughts and concerns. They were very open about what would help them do a better job in Iraq.

Before calling it a day – a long day at that, the delegation shared a meal with a variety of military police officers stationed there. I was fortunate enough to be able to join three Alabamians with that particular unit.

After dinner, we were joined again by Ambassador Bremer. He had spent much of that day meeting with members of the governing council in Iraq. That council is made up of Iraqi leaders governing the nation during this transition time.

Ambassador Bremer was very encouraged by the meetings, and an agreement being reached, that would help set up Iraq’s free elections and the peaceful transfer of power to the Iraqi people.

The goal is to allow elected Iraqis to take control in June or July of 2004. After a governing assembly is elected, they will write a transitional constitution to prepare for nationwide elections by 2006.

Ambassador Bremer shared with us that recent polling showed that most Iraqi people support the United States’ military presence, and want the U.S. to stay until the country is stable.

We left Baghdad about 9:30 that evening, on our way to Kuwait. Our next day’s schedule was for a visit to the Northern city of Mosul.
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