Press Release

For Immediate Release
January 13, 2009
Contact: Joe Soldevere, (212) 860-0606
Rep. Maloney Stands in Solidarity with Israel at Sunday Rally in NYC
New York, NY – On Sunday, Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) spoke at a massive rally in midtown Manhattan to demonstrate America’s solidarity with Israel during this time of crisis in the Middle East. 

"Over a million Israelis listen for sirens that give them 15 seconds to run for cover when Hamas-initiated rocket attacks occur.  Missile attacks on Israel increased by 500 percent after Israel withdrew completely from the Gaza Strip in August 2005.  The world sat silent as those missiles fell,” Maloney said.  “On Friday, the United States Congress passed a resolution stating that Israel has a right to defend itself and that the path to peace in the region lies in the recognition of Israel’s right to exist, the dismantling of Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure, and the release of Gilad Shalit.  The United States must continue to take a strong stand against the morally bankrupt actions of Hamas.”

The full text of Maloney’s remarks follows.

“Today we join together to express our support for Israel.  After eight years of constant missile fire, Israel finally had enough.

“For the last eight years, more than 10,000 missiles have fallen on Israel's civilian population centers, killing 28, injuring more than 700 and traumatizing tens of thousands.

“In 2005, Israel withdrew entirely from the Gaza strip. 

“Hamas has squandered its resources and opportunities, preferring to spend capital on developing weapons and smuggling tunnels, rather than investing in the economy. 

“Missile attacks on Israel increased by 500 percent after Israel withdrew completely from the Gaza Strip in August 2005.

“The world sat silent as those missiles fell.  There was no UN resolution condemning Hamas.  There were no international conferences to discuss what to do about the plight of the Israelis.  The world was silent.

“In the meantime Hamas smuggled in ever more dangerous weapons.

“The number of Israelis who live under threat has grown as the range and strength of the missiles has improved.

“Nearly one million Israelis now listen for the sirens signalling a red alert.  They have 15 seconds – about as much time as it takes me to utter this sentence – to run for shelter.

“Hamas has always targeted civilian centers.  During the current wave of violence, their missiles have hit a kindergarten and a high school.  Israel is fortunate that the buildings were empty – but it could have been an extraordinary tragedy.

“I am proud that the House of Representatives passed a resolution strongly condemning Hamas on Friday. The resolution places the blame for the situation in Gaza exactly where it belongs, squarely on the shoulders of Hamas.  It makes clear that Israel has a right to defend itself and that the path to peace in the region lies in the recognition of Israel’s right to exist, the dismantling of Hamas’ terrorist infrastructure and the release of Gilad Shalit.

“Hamas violates international law by embedding its weapons in civilian centers and using its people as human shields.  It cynically chooses to reap public relations benefits from the bodies of their own civilians.  These are the irresponsible acts of madmen and cowards, not rulers who can hope to lead a nation. 

“I hope that President-elect Obama will be willing to spend political capital in calling upon the international community to work together to prevent Hamas from rebuilding.

“The United States must continue to take a strong stand against the morally bankrupt actions of Hamas.”


Related Issues: Israel / Jewish Issues