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Streptococcus mutans Search Results

Record: 1 of 1  
MiniMap IGR1581 IGR1580 IGR1570 IGR1575 IGR1583 IGR1571 IGR1579 IGR1576 IGR1584 IGR1578 IGR1582 IGR1572 IGR1577 IGR1587 IGR1585 IGR1574 IGR1569 IGR1573 IGR1586 rps10,rpsJ, - SMu1841 rps19,rpsS, - SMu1838 rl30,rpmD, - SMu1824 rs14,rpsN, - SMu1829 rl29,rpmC, - SMu1834 rs17,rpsQ, - SMu1833 rl24,rplX, - SMu1831 rl22,rplV, - SMu1837 rl18,rplR, - SMu1826 rl14,rplN, - SMu1832 rs8,rpsH, - SMu1828 rl16,rplP, - SMu1835 rl15,rplO, - SMu1823 rs5,rpsE, - SMu1825 rl6,rplF, - SMu1827 rl5,rplE, - SMu1830 rs3,rpsC, - SMu1836 rl3,rplC, - SMu1840 secY, - SMu1822 sacB,ftf, - SMu1843 SMu1842 rps10,rpsJ, - SMu1841 rps19,rpsS, - SMu1838 rl30,rpmD, - SMu1824 rs14,rpsN, - SMu1829 rl29,rpmC, - SMu1834 rs17,rpsQ, - SMu1833 rl24,rplX, - SMu1831 rl22,rplV, - SMu1837 rl18,rplR, - SMu1826 rl14,rplN, - SMu1832 rs8,rpsH, - SMu1828 rl16,rplP, - SMu1835 rl15,rplO, - SMu1823 rs5,rpsE, - SMu1825 rl6,rplF, - SMu1827 rl5,rplE, - SMu1830 rs3,rpsC, - SMu1836 rl3,rplC, - SMu1840 secY, - SMu1822 sacB,ftf, - SMu1843 SMu1842 Type: tandem, Name: SMu-TR-33 - 33 rps10,rpsJ, - SMu1841 rl30,rpmD, - SMu1824 rs14,rpsN, - SMu1829 rl24,rplX, - SMu1831 rl22,rplV, - SMu1837 rl18,rplR, - SMu1826 rl14,rplN, - SMu1832 rs8,rpsH, - SMu1828 rl16,rplP, - SMu1835 rs5,rpsE, - SMu1825 rl6,rplF, - SMu1827 rl5,rplE, - SMu1830 rs3,rpsC, - SMu1836 rl3,rplC, - SMu1840 secY, - SMu1822 sacB,ftf, - SMu1843 rl4,rplD, - SMu1839 rps19,rpsS, - SMu1838 rs17,rpsQ, - SMu1833 rl15,rplO, - SMu1823 rl4,rplD, - SMu1839 rl29,rpmC, - SMu1834 SMu1842

LANL Gene ID: SMu1832

GenBank Locus Tag: SMU.2017c

DNA Molecule Name:

GenBank ID:

Gene Name:
rl14  rplN  

50S ribosomal protein L14

Cellular Location:
Cytoplasm [Evidence]

Gene Start:

Gene Stop:

Gene Length:

Molecular Weight*:


Net Charge*:


Functional Class:
Protein synthesis; Ribosomal proteins: synthesis and modification  

Gene Ontology:
Biological process
  GO:0006412    translation

Cellular component
  GO:0005622    intracellular
  GO:0005840    ribosome
  GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit

Molecular function
  GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome

Pathway: pathway table

Secondary Evidence:
Henkin,T.M., Moon,S.H., Mattheakis,L.C. and Nomura,M.
Cloning and analysis of the spc ribosomal protein operon of Bacillus subtilis: comparison with the spc operon of Escherichiacoli.
Nucleic Acids Res. 17 (18): 7469-7486 (1989)
PubMed: 2508062.

Suh,J.W., Boylan,S.A., Oh,S.H. and Price,C.W.
Genetic and transcriptional organization of the Bacillus subtilis spc-alpha region.
Gene 169 (1): 17-23 (1996)
PubMed: 8635744.

For other 'rl' genes see SMu1819.1 (rl36);SMu1909.1(rl32);SMu0108 (rl28);SMu1840 (rl3);SMu1839 (rl4); SMu1837 (rl22); SMu1835 (rl16); SMu1834 (rl29); SMu1831 (rl24); SMu1830 (rl5); SMu1827 (rl6); SMu1826 (rl18); SMu1824 (rl30); SMu1823 (rl15); SMu1816 (rl17) and SMu1941 (rl9).

From GenBank (gi:7674183): In Streptococcus pneumoniae, this protein binds directly to 23S ribosomal RNA and belongs to the L14P family of ribosomal proteins.

View in HOMD Genome Viewer

Blast Summary:  PSI-Blast Search
Many moderate matches in gapped BLAST to 50S ribosomal protein L14; residues 1-122 are 84% similar to 50S ribosomal protein L14 of Streptococcus pneumoniae (gi7674183); residues 1-122 are 81% similar to 50S ribosomal protein L14 of Streptococcus pyogenes (gi15674297).

See Spy0061.

The best hit to the Streptococcus agalactiae 2603 V/R genome is to SAG0068 (6e-51).

Top Blast Hits:  Updated monthly
Click here to view the entire PsiBlast results.
 gi|24380359|ref|NP_722314.1|  50S ribosomal protein L14 [Str...   204   1e-51
 gi|15900155|ref|NP_344759.1|  50S ribosomal protein L14 [Str...   198   7e-50
 gi|94989565|ref|YP_597665.1|  LSU ribosomal protein L14P [St...   197   2e-49
 gi|15674297|ref|NP_268470.1|  50S ribosomal protein L14 [Str...   196   2e-49
 gi|55821895|ref|YP_140337.1|  50S ribosomal protein L14 [Str...   196   5e-49
 gi|125716995|ref|YP_001034128.1|  50S ribosomal protein L14,...   196   5e-49
 gi|146317741|ref|YP_001197453.1|  Ribosomal protein L14 [Str...   195   6e-49
 gi|30018390|ref|NP_830021.1|  50S ribosomal protein L14 [Bac...   194   2e-48
 gi|69247179|ref|ZP_00604241.1|  Ribosomal protein L14, bacte...   193   2e-48
 gi|152973966|ref|YP_001373483.1|  ribosomal protein L14 [Bac...   192   3e-48

InterPro Summary:  InterProScan

Ribosomal protein L14b/L23e
PD001093 [1-121]T 0.0 PD001093 Ribosomal_L14 Ribosomal_L14
G3DSA: [1-122]T 1.2000011745814E-47 G3DSA: Ribosomal_L14 Ribosomal_L14
PTHR11761 [1-122]T 1.5999883531365902E-67 PTHR11761 Ribosomal_L14 Ribosomal_L14
PF00238 [1-122]T 3.8999986179521805E-73 PF00238 Ribosomal_L14 Ribosomal_L14
PS00049 [60-86]T 8.0E-5 PS00049 RIBOSOMAL_L14 RIBOSOMAL_L14
SSF50193 [1-122]T 3.7000000000000005E-52 SSF50193 Ribosomal_L14 Ribosomal_L14
Ribosomal protein L14, bacterial and organelle form
PTHR11761:SF3 [1-122]T 1.5999883531365902E-67 PTHR11761:SF3 Ribosom_L14_bac Ribosom_L14_bac
TIGR01067 [1-122]T 4.2161720609590496E-83 TIGR01067 rplN_bact rplN_bact

COGS Summary:  COGS Search
BeTs to 17 clades of COG0093
COG name: Ribosomal protein L14
Functional Class: J
The phylogenetic pattern of COG0093 is amtkYqvcebrhujgpolinx
Number of proteins in this genome belonging to this COG is 1

Blocks Summary:  Blocks Search
***** IPB000218 (Ribosomal protein L14b/L23e family) with a combined E-value of 5.2e-71.
    IPB000218A    1-26
    IPB000218B    32-67
    IPB000218C    73-108
    IPB000218D    113-122

ProDom Summary:  Protein Domain Search
Residues 1-122 are 84% similar to a (RIBOSOMAL 50S CHLOROPLAST RRNA-BINDING MITOCHONDRION 60S) protein domain (PD001093 which is seen in RL14_STRPN.

Paralogs:  Local Blast Search
SMu1832 has no significant similarity (blastp p-value < 1e-3) to any other gene in this genome.

Pfam Summary:  Pfam Search
Residues 1 to 122 (E-value = 3.5e-76) place SMu1832 in the Ribosomal_L14 family which is described as Ribosomal protein L14p/L23e (PF00238)

Top PDB Hits:
pdb487DM Chain M, Seven Ribosomal Proteins Fitted To A Cryo-E... 176 9e-046
pdb1FFKH Chain H, Crystal Structure Of The Large Ribosomal Su... 76 2e-015
pdb487DM Chain M, Seven Ribosomal Proteins Fitted To A Cryo-E... 182 2e-047

Gene Protein Sequence:

Gene Nucleotide Sequence:  Sequence Viewer

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