January 9, 2007

Ellsworth Votes to Strengthen Homeland Security

Trumpets Better Communications for First Responders

WASHINGTON -- Rep Brad Ellsworth (D-Evansville) today voted to strengthen America's security by implementing the 9/11 Commission recommendations. The bill was passed in the House, 299-128.

"For too long, Congress has been ineffective in addressing our country's most pressing security needs," said Ellsworth on the House floor. "We can and we must do better."

The bill requires 100% screening of cargo on passenger planes and will improve explosive detection systems and equipment in airports across the country. It also requires 100% scanning of shipping containers bound for the U.S.

"Nearly five years ago, the 9/11 Commission provided us with a blueprint for preventing and preparing for future terrorist attacks and natural disasters," said Ellsworth. "This week we will finally take their advice and move forward to keep our families and communities safe."

The bill also creates a grant program for interoperable communications for first responders. The 9/11 Commission Report cited the inability of first responders to communicate with one another as a key element in the loss of life on September 11th.

"The 9/11 Commissioners gave Congress an "F" on ensuring communications interoperability for first responders. Five years after 9/11, that's simply unacceptable," said Ellsworth. "As a Congressman, I have no greater responsibility than to protect the American people. I am proud to support increased tools for our nation's law enforcement and first responders."  

