[NIFL-FAMILY:1327] Message from NIFL's Lynn Reddy - November 2002 issue of e*Literac

From: Mann, Lashley (lmann@titan.com)
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 10:54:15 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:1327] Message from NIFL's Lynn Reddy - November 2002 issue of e*Literac
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The November 2002 issue of e*Literacy, the National Institute for Literacy's

electronic newsletter, is now available at 


This issue reports on new website pages describing two family literacy 
projects and recognizes new Bridges to Practice Master Trainers.  Other 
information is also available on the following topics: 

        Institute, OVAE, NICHD Award $18.5 Million for Adult Literacy
        Verizon Continues Support for America's Literacy Directory
        Senate To Confirm Two Institute Board Nominees
        Congress Focuses on Adult Literacy, Corporate Partnerships
        Institute Promotes Health Literacy
        LINCS Regional Technology Centers Receive Funding
        Institute Centralizes EFF Efforts
        Bridges to Practice Names New Master Trainers
        Institute Deputy Director Moves On
        Partnership for Reading Launches New Family Literacy Web Pages
        Legislative Update
        OERI Reauthorized, Renamed "Institute for Education Sciences"
        FY 2003 Appropriations
        New Publications
        November Calendar

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