[NIFL-FAMILY:1294] Re: firstfind.info

From: Ted Rohling (tedr@instructors.net)
Date: Wed Oct 02 2002 - 08:25:32 EDT

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I find the site to be an interesting collection of information but I agree
that it might be very difficult for low literacy people to use.  I went into
the site looking for things people might want to know.  The education area
deals with reading and was not for a beginner.  The medical care area had a
great looking set of information and one piqued my interest.  It was the one
that talked about medical care for immigrants:

Topic>Health>Medical Care>Understanding Medical Care in the US

The caption says:
Written for immigrants, this site provides an overview of medical care in
the United States, including vision and dental care and immunization

I opened the site and began to read.  I, too, did a reading level analysis
on the first page and it was at grade 12.  The Emergencies page was also
written at grade 12 and MS Word picked up a few grammar errors.  The
sentences are long and complex which make them difficult for the beginning
reader to put together.  Given that most college graduates are reading at
grade 12 or lower, I would say that these pages and those associated with it
are really not for beginners or intermediate readers.  This is not really
written for immigrants unless they have substantial education.

I found another location that was more to the point.  Topics>Housing>Renting
had a section from the Boston ESOL classes that was appropriate because it
was written by participants and was much easier to read and more practical.
It does have a regional flavor.  The abbreviations used to describe
different housing settings in newspapers vary from locale to locale and may
not be useful for everyone.

I do not discount the value of the collection of information.  The usability
for lower level readers is in doubt.  That is probably why the previous
comments said that the pages are good for teachers.  The pages have great
information and can be used as a resource.

Just my opinion....

Ted Rohling

-----Original Message-----
From: nifl-family@nifl.gov [mailto:nifl-family@nifl.gov]On Behalf Of
David J. Rosen
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 6:52 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:1293] Re: firstfind.info

Hello Anne,

I agree that the page you selected is at an intermediate, not a
beginner, level. (I did say that the range was low-to-intermediate.  I
doubt if any of the pages are for beginners. It's not intended as a
portal to instruction Websites.)  There are lots of Web pages in this
collection which are at an intermediate level -- and relatively few
Webpages at a low level.  This is because there aren't many (non
instructional) pages for a beginner level on the Web.  I think that a
strength of this collection is that so many of them are included.

I'd like to suggest that you look at some of the other sections of
firstfind.info   If you -- or anyone on NIFL-Family -- knows of
beginner, low or intermediate level Web pages that you would like to
recommend, please go to   http://firstfind.info/comments.html
and let the firstfind librarians know about them.

I am surprised, Anne, that you don't see this as a useful resource for
adults with low-to-intermediate level skills, that you see it as a
resource primarily for teachers.  I wonder if others on NIFL-Family
would agree with that?

Those who want to have a look for themselves should go to
http://www firstfind.info  or just type firstfind.info in your browser.

All the best,


David J. Rosen

Anne Murr wrote:
> David,
> I've briefly looked at the firstfind.info website.  I copied the
> introductory page on learning strategies from the "Brush up on basic
> skills" on the Reading Comprehension link into Microsoft Word and did a
> reading level check.  It's at Grade 5.5
> I work with adults with very low reading skills. This text is unreadable
> for  beginning level readers.  Also, the print is too small. Even adults
> who come into our program with intermediate reading skills would have
> difficulty with this website.  There is too much text on each screen in
> single-spaced paragraphs.  The vocabulary sounds like "teacher talk",
> not learner talk.
> These bullets (from the Learning Strategies screen) do communicate:
> "Motivation: Knowing more about ourselves as learners and how to
> cultivate motivation
> * Paying Attention: Focusing on the task at hand
> * Elaboration: Connecting new information to what we already know
> * Organizing: Arranging information to fit our purposes "
> But they are "buried" beneath 2 screens of text.
> Without working closely with persons who struggle with reading, it's
> difficult to know how to write in understandable text.   I'm grateful to
> the librarians for putting together many resources for us in adult
> literacy. However, I see this website more as a resource for teachers
> than for learners.
>>                 NIFL-FAMILY Digest 119
>> Topics covered in this issue include:
>>   1) firstfind.info -- a great new portal to plain English/easy
>> reading, high interest Websites
>>     by "David J. Rosen" <DJRosen@theworld.com>
>> Hello NIFL-Family Colleagues,
>> firstfind.info is a new online library providing easy-to-find and
>> easy-to-use information
>> (in English) for low-to-intermediate level adult readers. This Website
>> can be used by anyone
>> looking for a wide range of information relevant to the well being of
>> individuals and their
>> families.
>> Librarians from the New York Metropolitan area collaborated on this
>> project. Subject areas
>> range from housing and jobs to family matters to history and
>> government. Each Website was
>> evaluated as per interest, currency, authority, readability, ease of
>> navigation, design, etc.
>> All Websites are clearly and briefly annotated. firstfind also offers
>> help screens for novice
>> Web users (developed by ESL teacher and Webpage designer, Maura
>> Donnelly) and for assistance
>> in navigating the site, an online dictionary, and a response form.
>> The web address is
>>             http://www.firstfind.info  or just
>>             firstfind.info
>> I would be interested in what you think of this portal and how it
>> might be used by family literacy
>> programs.
>> David J. Rosen
>> ------------------------------
>> End of NIFL-FAMILY Digest 119
>> *****************************

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