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header image: Snyderville Basin Water Supply Study


Historically, water suppliers in the Snyderville Basin have relied primarily on groundwater for their municipal and industrial (M&I) water. Because of the extensive development of the groundwater sources, there is a concern that there may be limited potential for additional development of the groundwater as a reliable long-term water source. The drought that has occurred in the past five to six years (1999-2004) has raised further questions regarding the quantity and reliability of the existing groundwater development within the basin. This problem is being compounded by the continuous rapid growth in the basin, which has become a highly desirable residential and recreational community.

There is a significant local interest in determining the long-range water needs of the basin and identifying feasible alternatives to provide additional water for future needs. Over the past several years, government agencies and several private entities have explored various options to develop additional water supplies. However, a comprehensive evaluation of the overall water needs within the basin has not been conducted, nor has a comparison between alternative plans been examined in an objective manner. Accordingly, the United States Congress has provided funding to the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and directed it to complete a study of the M&I needs of the Park City/Snyderville Basin area.

The purpose of this Park City and Snyderville Basin Water Supply Study is to evaluate the future water needs within the rapidly growing Snyderville Basin and to formulate and compare alternatives that could be pursued to provide for the M&I water needs expected through 2050. This Status Report summarizes the progress of the study through the end of 2004.

The study, which is a collaboration between Reclamation and the State of Utah Division of Water Resources (DWR), consists of an executive summary; an examination of existing conditions, water supplies and infrastructure; a look at current water demands; a projection of future supply, demand and projected needs; future development options; references, and appendices.

This web page is part of what may be an ongoing public involvement effort to clairfy the intentions and goals of all parties for the purpose of achieving the most beneficial solutions to the challenges outlined.

Scoping Letter - Environmental Assessment for Development of an Option Analyzed and Presented in the Park City and Snyderville Basin Water Supply Special Report (July 25, 2006)

Park City and Snyderville Basin Water Supply Study
 Executive Summary
 Table of Content, Tables, Figures
 Chapter 1 - Introduction
 Chapter 2 - Existing Conditions, Water Supplies, and Infrastructure
 Chapter 3 - Current Water Demands
 Chapter 4 - Future Supply and Demand and Projected Needs
 Chapter 5 - Future Development
 Chapter 6 - Evaluation and Preferred Plan
 Entire Snyderville Basin Water Supply Study Document


Last updated: January 22, 2007