[NIFL-FAMILY:1224] Job Opening in South Florida

From: Lesa Kramer (kramerl@floridaliteracy.org)
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 12:06:19 EDT

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Executive Director for Miami-Dade Family Learning Partnership -  A new
non-profit family literacy initiative.

Experience and education: Excellent organizational, writing, fund-raising,
communications, presentation, grant writing and interpersonal skills
required. Ability to coordinate several lead institutions and strategies to
achieve significant, measured progress on a monthly basis and to keep
overall momentum through constant communications and advanced planning.
Experience in conducting local level advocacy desired. Preferred: At least
bachelor's degree in education, early childhood, family studies or related
field with 7 to 10 years work experience in education management or
management of cause-oriented initiatives. Background in language
development, reading/literacy instruction and/or early childhood development
a plus. Strong computer skills and proficiency in Microsoft Office.
Bilingual language ability is a plus. Salary range: $60,000+

Send resume to: Michelle Fries,
The Early Childhood Initiative Foundation,
3250 SW Third Ave., Miami, FL 33129

Lesa Z. Kramer
Grants Administrator, Governor's Family Literay Initiative
and Program Coordinator, Family Literacy
Florida Literacy Coalition, Inc.
State Literacy Resource Center
934 N. Magnolia Ave., Suite 104
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 246-7110 - phone
(407) 246-7104 - fax
(800) 237-5113 - Literacy Referral Hotline

-----Original Message-----
From: nifl-family@nifl.gov [mailto:nifl-family@nifl.gov]On Behalf Of Jon Lee
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 9:49 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:1223] Clips and Cross Posts

Good Morning.

From: Connect for Kids Weekly - July 8, 2002

**TANF Reauthorization Moving Forward
On June 26, the Senate Finance Committee approved a welfare reauthorization
bill, "The Work, Opportunity, and Responsibility for Kids (WORK) Act of
2002."  Child advocates report that the substance of this welfare
reauthorization is a stronger agenda for welfare-to-work families than the
bill passed by the House of Representatives, but there is still much room
for improvement, especially on funding child care, when the bill is debated
in the full Senate.

This is an interesting little brief...

**Disabilities Among Children and Mothers in Low-Income Families
This brief from the Institute for Women's Policy Research finds that mothers
on TANF are more likely to be caring for a disabled child than other
mothers, or they are more likely to be disabled themselves. These findings
underscore the need for careful assessment of disability status and
accompanying difficulties among low-income families.

Here is a nice little article to pass around the school lunchroom...

**Pull Out Negativity by its Roots
School leaders can do a lot to foster positive school cultures -- the
assumptions, habits, expectations, and beliefs of the school's staff. This
article identifies what is counterproductive, like relying on explanations
that omit the role of staff responsibility, working in isolation, turf wars,
and confusing activity with effectiveness -- and what schools can do to

**Chicago's Child Parent Centers -- A Success Story
The experiences of many low-income families have provided anecdotal evidence
about the ways good early learning settings have helped their kids succeed.
This AdvoCasey article summarizes the recently released longitudinal study
of Chicago's Child Parent Centers, which provides solid scientific evidence
for the life-changing importance of quality early childhood education for
low-income kids.

Great resources here...

**Child Care in Rural Communities: An Annotated Resource List
Rural areas have special challenges in developing strategies to increase the
supply, quality, accessibility and affordability of child care. This
National Child Care and Information Center lists links for research and
resources to support child care services in rural communities.

Am I correct that Even Start families are automatically eligible for free
and reduced meals?

**Hunger Doesn't Take a Vacation
During the school year daily school lunches and breakfasts can provide over
one-half of the nutrients low-income children consume every weekday. But
only one in five of the 15.3 million children who receive free or reduced
priced school lunches during the school year are served by federal nutrition
programs during the summertime, according to the new "Hunger Doesn't Take A
Vacation" report from the Food Research and Action Center.

Based on a pilot project that helped 13 states make significant improvements
in their summer meal programs by simplifying administration and modestly
boosting meal reimbursement amounts. Sen. Lugar (R-In.) and Sen. Harkin
(D-Iowa) are co-sponsoring legislation to make it easier for programs in all
states to serve more eligible kids.

Have a great week!

Jon Lee
Training Specialist
NIFL-Family list moderator
National Center for Family Literacy
325 West Main St, Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40202-4237
Phone: 502.584.1133 x175
Fax: 502.584.0172

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