[NIFL-FAMILY:914] letter to educators

From: Nooalf@aol.com
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 23:59:33 EST

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This is an excerpt from the cover letter I am going to be sending this to 
grammer schools around the world .   Maybe some of you can give me your 
opinion on it . 

TO:  School principal or special education director.                          
                                    From :  Joe Gaczol
                                                         president , ZOL inc.

       Dear sir or madam ,           

                In addition to hundreds of thousands of ordinary schools such 
as yours,  there are many
government programs,  nonprofit organizations and very profitable 
corporations that are devoted
teaching literacy to children .  Every one of  them uses teaching methods 
that will accomplish
the same goal : Familiarize the students with thousands of near random 
spellings  well enough to
allow them to read .  No matter what teaching method is used , its all 
completely dependent on
the student's ability to memorize a massive amount of  disorganized nonsense. 

            As you know very well, this is not cheap.  All the estimates I 
have found  say that 1/3 of 
all elementary school education is spent on reading and writing . This is 
only what is needed for
average students . The cost of getting problem students and those with 
dyslexia up to a minimum
reading proficiency level can be several times higher .  Many parents are 
forced to spend
hundreds of dollars on phonics software or thousands for private tutoring in 
an effort to help
their children catch up with their classmates.

          All this time and effort  and it is still not even close to being 
100% effective.  NOBODY  is 
able to spell or correctly pronounce all the words in our language . Many 
spelling bee champions
may be able to spell all the words they will ever use, but the average person 
will depend on spell
check software and dictionaries for their entire lives . 

              Is this because we are all stupid ? After all, a 25 cent CD ROM 
can store every word in
every language on earth !  

        I say no.  Massive, detailed,  precise memory just is not a 
characteristic of the human mind . 
Our brains don't work that way .  We easily remember things that make sense 
or have a pattern .
We think .  A fairly typical football fan can rattle off trivia and 
statistics all day . But see how
many random digits he can memorize and recall the next day.  15 ?  20 ?  The 
truth is that to
remember just  10 digits most people will need to associate them with other 
things in order to
create an artificial pattern . Obviously,  there is no easy and efficient way 
to cram 50,000 letter
combinations into the human brain .  

       The bottom line is that this problem will persist until we replace 
traditional English spelling
with a real system .  Until this happens the English speaking countries will 
waste about 100
billion dollars a year supporting something that belongs in a museum rather 
than in everyday use.
                                                              The end of 
             Beginning in 2000,  I began distributing a new spelling system 
for the English language
called Nooalf ( a condensation of  'new alphabet' ).  The purpose is to fix 
the root cause of
illiteracy in English speaking countries .  
        The new project for this year is to develop an educational program 
that will work  for
children ,  immigrants , dyslexics and any adults who just happen to be 
illiterate.  The enclosed 
Nooalf Pictures  is the 1st in a group of products intended to teach this new 
spelling system
without any assistance from anybody. 

       What I need to do is test this with children in kindergarten to 4th 
grade , and older students
who are having trouble learning to read and write using  ordinary teaching 
methods . The lessons
learned in these tests will be used to refine the product and develop a 
complete program . 

       The benefits to your students & school will be early access to cutting 
edge educational
products and a hand in shaping the future of  the English language .  <<<<<<<<

Tell me what you think , and  dont be timid or polite . 


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