[NIFL-FAMILY:711] Trying again!

From: Michelle Storts (berneunionreads@ameritech.net)
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 14:36:23 EST

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I originally sent this just to Jon, but he encouraged me to send it to
all of you. I tried to forward the original the first time and it didn't
So I am pasting it in a new email- I hope this time you can read it!
Thank you
for your patience, and I thank you in advance for sharing your vast
expertise and knowledge.
Michelle Storts

Hi Jon,
I have learned so much from being on the NIFL list. This year is the
first year that the school district I am in has implemented a
reading intervention program. I am working from scratch with only the
OhioREADS and this list as guidance. We are truly a
grassroots effort, but one that I believe in. We use one-on-one tutoring
to help our most at-risk readers right not, but I am
putting together a proposal as to why the district needs to expand the
intervention into the family environment. I am looking for
any research, or statistics, that I could include in my program proposal
to the school board and superintendent. Although they
support what I am doing now, they have no financial obligations as the
only stipend I get is through the state. Any supplies or
necessaries have been met by a very supportive elementary principal, the
generosity of strangers, or out of my own pocket. I
am hoping that this program proposal puts everything into perspective,
why funds are necessary, and why multi-generational
reading intervention is so very necessary.
I appreciate any information you can share with me, and if you
arewanting to know more about our program you can visit our
website at  http://members.tripod.com/~berneunionreads/homepage.html

Thank you so much,
Michelle Storts, Program Coordinator
Berne Union Elementary
"If you teach children to read, they will read for a day,
     if you teach children to love to read, they will read for a

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