[NIFL-FAMILY:635] New Practitioner File now available

From: Judy Wagner (jwagner@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu)
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 16:13:43 EST

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The ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education has just 
produced "Using Online Occupational Information for Career Development." 
This 12-page Practitioner File discusses the role of occupational 
information in career decision making, addresses some concerns about online 
information, and takes an in-depth look at some national online information 
tools provided by America’s Workforce Network.  Additional website 
resources for occupational/career information are described.

It is available at no cost in full-text on the Clearinghouse website 
(http://ericacve.org/docs/pfile04.htm), as a PDF attachment, or in paper.

Please send your request to ericacve@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu. If you 
would like paper copies, be sure to include your mailing address.



Judy Wagner  /   wagner.6@osu.edu  /  ericacve.org/
ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education
1900 Kenny Road  /  Columbus OH 43210-1090 USA
614/292-8625; 800/848-4815 (ext 2-8625);  FAX: 614/292-1260
TTY/TDD: 614/688-8734

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