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Greg Rhodes

Movie   ID   Title
On August 12, 2002, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASAs Aqua satellite captured this image, showing the smoke from the burning fires.   2506   Smoke from Oregon Fires
This image show the heavy smoke moving along the east coast and into the Atlantic.   2505   Smoke from Canadian Wildfires
Typhoon Chataan off the coast of Japan.   2502   Super Typhoon Chataan
This image shows the area of the Texas Floods one month before.   2501   Before the Flooding in Southeast Texas
This image depicts the overflooding of the Texas rivers.   2500   Flooding in Southeast Texas
This image shows two of the images (the U.S. East Coast covered in smoke and flooding in Texas) that were captured by MODIS.   2499   The First Day In The Life of Aqua/MODIS
Image of the fire dated June 23, 2002   2492   Time Sequence of Arizona Fires
This image depicts the damage relative to burn marks and shows the intensity of the Arizona wild fires.   2491   A Pop-up of the Arizona Fires
This image depicts the Arizona fire and its smoke spread across neighboring states.   2490   Zoom Into Arizona Fires with State Borders
This image highlights the area coverage on the fire and smoke on June 20, 2002.   2476   A Zoom In of Arizona Forest Fires

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