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Electric Power Annual 2000

Volume I

August 2001




Electric Power Industry 2000: The Year in Review

Generating Capability







Electricity Sales and Revenue

Appendix A. U.S. Electric Power Industry Statistics



1.   Summary of U.S. Electric Power Statistics, 2000 and 1999

2.   Industry Capability by Fuel Source and Industry Sector, 2000 and 1999

3.   Industry Capability by Census Division and State, 1990-2000

4.   Retired and Added Capability by Energy Source, State, and Sector, 2000

5.   Generating Capability Sold by Utilities to Nonutilities by Energy Source and State, 2000

6.   Net Generation by Energy Source and Sector, 2000 and 1999

7.   Percent of Electricity Generated at U.S. Electric Plants by Energy Source and State, 2000 and 1999

A1.  Net Generation, 1991 Through 2000

A2.  Consumption of Fossil Fuels, 1991 Through 2000

A3.  Fossil Fuel Stocks, 1991 Through 2000

A4.  Electric Utility Retail Sales of Electricity by Sector, 1991 Through 2000

A5.  Revenue from Electric Utility Retail Sales of Electricity by Sector, 1991 Through 2000

A6.  Electric Utility Average Revenue per Kilowatthour by Sector, 1991 Through 2000

A7.  Net Generation by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A8.  Net Generation from Coal by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A9.  Net Generation from Petroleum by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A10.  Net Generation from Gas by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A11.  Net Generation from Nuclear by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A12.  Net Generation from Hydroelectric by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A13.  Net Generation from Other by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A14.  Coal Consumption by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A15.  Petroleum Consumption by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A16.  Gas Consumption by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A17.  Coal Stocks by Census Division, 2000 and 1999

A18.  Petroleum Stocks by Census Division, 2000 and 1999

A19.  Fossil Fuel Receipts at U.S. Electric Utilities by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A20.  Average Delivered Cost of Fossil Fuel Receipts at U.S. Electric Utilities by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999

A21.  Retail Sales of Electricity, Revenue, and Average Revenue per Kilowatthour (and RSEs) by U.S. Electric Utilities to Ultimate Consumers by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999--All Sectors

A22.  Retail Sales of Electricity, Revenue, and Average Revenue per Kilowatthour (and RSEs) by U.S. Electric Utilities to Ultimate Consumers by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999--Residential

A23.  Retail Sales of Electricity, Revenue, and Average Revenue per Kilowatthour (and RSEs) by U.S. Electric Utilities to Ultimate Consumers by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999--Commercial

A24.  Retail Sales of Electricity, Revenue, and Average Revenue per Kilowatthour (and RSEs) by U.S. Electric Utilities to Ultimate Consumers by Census Division and State, 2000 and 1999--Industrial

A25. Capability Sold by Utilities to Nonutilities by State, Company, and Plant, 2000

A26. Generating Capability Additions by State, Company, Plant, and Sector, 2000

A27. Generating Capability Retirements By State, Company, Plant, and Sector, 2000


1.   Status of State Electric Utility Deregulation Activity, as of January 2001

2.   Share of Total Industry Capability by Industry Sector and Ownership, as of January 1, 2000

3.   Share of U.S. Net Summer Capability by Energy Source, Year-End 2000

4.   Capacity Factor by Energy Source, 2000

5.   Share of Net Generation by Energy Source and Industry Sector, 2000

6.   U.S. National Percent Area Very Warm and Very Cold, January 2000 to December 2000

7.   Average Cost of Fossil Fuels at U.S. Electric Utilities, 2000 and 1999

8.   U.S. Statewide Temperature Ranking, June-August, 2000

9.   U.S. Statewide Temperature Ranking, December 1999-February 2000

10.   U.S. Statewide Precipitation Ranking, 2000

11.   U.S. Electric Utility Sales and Revenue to Ultimate Consumers, 2000

12.  Estimated Average Revenue per Kilowatthour for All Sectors at Electric Utilities by State, 2000

A1.   Census Divisions