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Streptococcus mutans Search Results

Record: 1 of 1  
MiniMap IGR22 IGR23 IGR17 IGR21 IGR16 IGR18 IGR20 acpP,ACP, - SMu0023 comA, - SMu0024 SMu0027 purC, - SMu0025 prsA,kprS, - SMu0019 plsX,ylpD, - SMu0022 aspC, - SMu0020 purL, - SMu0026 acpP,ACP, - SMu0023 comA, - SMu0024 SMu0027 purC, - SMu0025 prsA,kprS, - SMu0019 plsX,ylpD, - SMu0022 aspC, - SMu0020 purL, - SMu0026 Type: tandem, Name: SMu-TR-2 - 2 Type: tandem, Name: SMu-TR-2 - 2 acpP,ACP, - SMu0023 comA, - SMu0024 SMu0027 purC, - SMu0025 prsA,kprS, - SMu0019 plsX,ylpD, - SMu0022 aspC, - SMu0020 purL, - SMu0026 recO, - SMu0021 recO, - SMu0021

LANL Gene ID: SMu0024

GenBank Locus Tag: SMU.28

DNA Molecule Name:

Genomic Island ID:

GenBank ID:

Gene Name:

ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein

Cellular Location:
Membrane, Cytoplasm, Extracellular [Evidence]

Gene Start:

Gene Stop:

Gene Length:

Molecular Weight*:


Net Charge*:


Functional Class:
Transport and binding proteins; ABC Superfamily: ATP-binding protein  

Gene Ontology:
Molecular function
  GO:0000166    nucleotide binding
  GO:0005524    ATP binding
  GO:0016887    ATPase activity
  GO:0017111    nucleoside-triphosphatase activity

Pathway: pathway table

Primary Evidence:
Qi,F., Chen,P. and Caufield,P.W.
Purification of mutacin III from group III Streptococcus mutans
UA787 and genetic analyses of mutacin III biosynthesis genes
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65 (9), 3880-3887 (1999)
PubMed: 10473390

Qi,F., Chen,P. and Caufield,P.W.
Purification and Biochemical Characterization of Mutacin I from the Group I Strain of Streptococcus mutans, CH43, and Genetic Analysis of Mutacin I Biosynthesis Genes
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66 (8), 3221-3229 (2000)
PUBMED: 10919773

Novak,J., Caufield,P.W. and Miller,E.J.
Isolation and biochemical characterization of a novel lantibiotic
mutacin from Streptococcus mutans
J. Bacteriol. 176 (14), 4316-4320 (1994)
PubMed: 8021218

Qi,F., Chen,P. and Caufield,P.W.
Functional analyses of the promoters in the lantibiotic mutacin II
biosynthetic locus in Streptococcus mutans
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65 (2), 652-658 (1999)
PubMed: 9925596


View in HOMD Genome Viewer

Blast Summary:  PSI-Blast Search
This sequence corresponds to the previously sequenced gi9802002, gi4103630, gi15625442, gi4098078, gi9802355, gi153741, gi282320, gi547928, gi15625431, gi15625436, gi9802352, gi5918764, and other Mut-related sequences in GenBank. See, e.g. SMu0805.

Matches in gapped BLAST to comA and ATP binding proteins. Residues 1-189 are 66% similar to an ABC transporter in S. salivarius (gi3850209). Residues 1-178 are 51% similar to residues 331-512 of a predicted comA protein from S.gordonii (gi1698421).

This sequence is similar to Spy0230 and Spy0229.

The best hit to the Streptococcus agalactiae 2603 V/R genome is to SAG0460 (1e-28).

Top Blast Hits:  Updated monthly
Click here to view the entire PsiBlast results.
 gi|24378556|ref|NP_720511.1|  putative ATP-binding protein [...   368   e-101
 gi|3850209|gb|AAC72026.1|  ABC transporter [Streptococcus sa...   253   4e-66
 gi|55823585|ref|YP_142026.1|  peptide ABC transporter ATP bi...   184   2e-45
 gi|55821665|ref|YP_140107.1|  bacteriocin ABC exporter (Pep2...   184   2e-45
 gi|116628375|ref|YP_820994.1|  ABC-type bacteriocin/lantibio...   184   2e-45
 gi|24380236|ref|NP_722191.1|  putative ABC transporter, ATP-...   180   3e-44
 gi|24378790|ref|NP_720745.1|  putative ABC transporter, ATP-...   180   4e-44
 gi|149006794|ref|ZP_01830480.1|  competence factor transport...   176   8e-43
 gi|148993880|ref|ZP_01823263.1|  competence factor transport...   176   9e-43
 gi|15902087|ref|NP_357637.1|  Transport ATP-binding protein ...   176   9e-43

InterPro Summary:  InterProScan

ABC transporter related
PD000006 [103-145]T 0.0 PD000006 ABC_transporter ABC_transporter
PF00005 [1-174]T 5.300019852250481E-39 PF00005 ABC_tran ABC_tran
PS00211 [103-117]T 8.0E-5 PS00211 ABC_TRANSPORTER_1 ABC_TRANSPORTER_1
AAA+ ATPase, core
SM00382 [1-175]T 3.19999999999996E-13 SM00382 AAA AAA
G3DSA: [1-177]T 1.2000011745814E-45 G3DSA: G3DSA: G3DSA:
PTHR19242 [2-177]T 7.699984805337611E-56 PTHR19242 PTHR19242 PTHR19242
PTHR19242:SF91 [2-177]T 7.699984805337611E-56 PTHR19242:SF91 PTHR19242:SF91 PTHR19242:SF91
SSF52540 [1-177]T 4.4999999999999995E-43 SSF52540 SSF52540 SSF52540

COGS Summary:  COGS Search
BeTs to 12 clades of COG1132
COG name: ABC-type multidrug/protein/lipid transport system, ATPase component
Functional Class: R
The phylogenetic pattern of COG1132 is ---KYQVCEBRHUJGP--inX
Number of proteins in this genome belonging to this COG is 16

Blocks Summary:  Blocks Search
***** IPB001140 (ABC transporter transmembrane region) with a combined E-value of 2.4e-26.
    IPB001140B    100-138
    IPB001140C    151-180

ProDom Summary:  Protein Domain Search
Residues 38-101 are 45% similar to a (ATP-BINDING TRANSPORT COMPLETE PROTEOME) protein domain (PD285760 which is seen in Q9EZB0_BACCO.

Residues 32-101 are 48% similar to a (TRANSPORT ATP-BINDING LACTOCOCCIN) protein domain (PD402967 which is seen in COMA_STRPN.

Residues 1-117 are 29% similar to a (ABC TRANSPORTER) protein domain (PD241124 which is seen in Q9U0N4_PLAF7.

Residues 38-100 are 44% similar to a (TRANSPORTER SUBLANCIN ATP-BINDING) protein domain (PD336499 which is seen in Q9XDS0_BBBBB.

Residues 38-101 are 50% similar to a (TRANSPORT ATP-BINDING ABC TRANSPORTER) protein domain (PD306522 which is seen in Q48868_LACSK.

Residues 42-101 are 70% similar to a (ATP-BINDING TRANSPORT COMPLETE ABC) protein domain (PD333091 which is seen in Q9ZI23_STRSL.

Residues 103-145 are 83% similar to a (ATP-BINDING TRANSPORT ABC TRANSPORTER COMPLETE PROTEOME) protein domain (PD000006 which is seen in Q9ZI23_STRSL.

Residues 103-141 are 69% similar to a (RESISTANCE ATP-BINDING MULTIGENE) protein domain (PD250459 which is seen in MDR1_LEIEN.

Residues 1-172 are 24% similar to a (PROTEOME COMPLETE ABC TRANSPORTER) protein domain (PD316735 which is seen in Q9PPY0_UREPA.

Paralogs:  Local Blast Search
SMu0024 is similar to SMu1710, SMu0258 and many other ATP binding proteins. Residues 1-188 are 48% similar to residues 563-759 of SMu1710, a predicted ABC transporter.

SMu0024 is paralogously related (blast p-value < 1e-3) to SMu1710, SMu0258, SMu1724, SMu0475, SMu1065, SMu1064, SMu0987, SMu0836, SMu0824, SMu0837, SMu0825, SMu0986, SMu0476, SMu1380, SMu1079, SMu0594, SMu0731, SMu1246, SMu1231, SMu0786, SMu0884, SMu0971, SMu1950, SMu1751, SMu1288, SMu0235, SMu0916, SMu0805, SMu1068, SMu1001, SMu1003, SMu0390, SMu1410, SMu0418, SMu1920, SMu0517, SMu1762, SMu0218, SMu0849, SMu0823, SMu1757, SMu1517, SMu1949, SMu1428, SMu1210, SMu0335, SMu1023, SMu1306, SMu1316, SMu0950, SMu0596, SMu1649, SMu1036, SMu1545, SMu0752, SMu0164, SMu0976, SMu1518, SMu1811, SMu1037, SMu0216, SMu0224, SMu1093, SMu0234, SMu0907, SMu0729, SMu0944, SMu1959, SMu0666, SMu1686, and SMu1050.

Pfam Summary:  Pfam Search
Residues 1 to 174 (E-value = 1e-42) place SMu0024 in the ABC_tran family which is described as ABC transporter (PF00005)

Top PDB Hits:
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 62 5e-011

Gene Protein Sequence:

Gene Nucleotide Sequence:  Sequence Viewer

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