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Animation Identification Numbers 10200 through 10299

Movie ID Title
AGN animation
  10200   Gamma Rays in Active Galactic Nuclei
The LRO spacecraft is coming together with the integration and testing
of some of the science instruments.  

  10201   LRO Instrument Integrations
As you can see from this short video, the logistics of setting foot on the Pine Island Glacier ice shelf turned out to be a real challenge and the first trip had both its ups and its downs.  Nonetheless, Bindschadler welcomes the challenge and has high hopes for what his continued research on Pine Island might uncover.
<p> For a complete transcript of this video, please click <a href='PIG-firstContactTranscript.html'>here</a>   10202   PIG Ice Shelf: First Contact
This animation shows gamma-rays from a pulsar   10205   Gamma Rays in Pulsars
This video profiles Jess Lewis, designer of SAM's Solid Sample Inlet Tube (SSIT). The SSIT is essentially a high-tech funnel that helps direct the Mars soil into the SAM suite for analysis.   10206   Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM): Profiles
By studying the landscape around the Chesapeake Bay, NASA spacecraft are helping land managers figure out how to battle the harmful pollutants that have added to the destruction of the bay's once legendary productivity.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='ChesBayShort_transcript.htm'>here</a>.   10207   NASA Satellites Aid in Chesapeake Bay Recovery
Introduction to the '4D Ionosphere' tool, Communication Alert and Prediction System.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='transcript.html'>here</a>.   10208   4D Ionosphere

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_326_00.html'>here</a>.   10209   Send Your Name to the Moon Aboard LRO!
A tour of Atlantis’s cargo bay as configured for Hubble Servicing Mission 4.  The tour starts at the airlock, moves to the Super Lightweight Instrument Carrier, then to the Orbital Replacement Unit Carrier, the Flight Support System and finally to the Multi-Use Lightweight Equipment Carrier.   10210   Servicing Mission 4: Atlantis Cargo Bay Carrier Fly-Over
An animation of space shuttle Atlantis in orbit as it comes out of the Sun’s glare.  The camera passes over the shuttle’s main engines to view Hubble in the cargo bay.
  10211   Shuttle Atlantis with HST From Out of the Sun
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration.   10212   HST Out and Around
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration.   10213   Slow Look at HST 1
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration.   10214   Slow Look at HST 2
HST moves from left to right.  (Frame sequence includes alpha channel)   10215   HST Video Wipe
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration.
  10216   HST Fly-By
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration.   10217   HST Zoom-Way-Out
August 01, 2008, Total Solar Eclipse path.   10218   August 1, 2008 Total Solar Eclipse Umbral and Pemumbral Paths
Total Solar Eclipse
  10219   Total Solar Eclipse
Wide Field Camera 3 potential observations at different wavelengths.  (This animation does not include wavelength labels)   10220   Wide Field Camera 3: Seeing in Different Wavelengths (no labels)
Wide Field Camera 3 potential observations at different wavelengths.  (This animation displays labels for the wavelengths)   10221   Wide Field Camera 3: Seeing in Different Wavelengths (with labels)
Potential Wide Field Camera 3 observations at various redshifts correlated to the object’s distance from Earth.   
  10222   Wide Field Camera 3: Redshift
Zoom out to the edge of the universe revealing the large-scale structure of the universe also called the “cosmic web”.    10223   Cosmic Origins Spectrograph: Large Scale Structure of the Universe
Advanced Camera for Surveys Repair Scenario    10224   HST Advance Camera For Surveys Repair Scenario
Advanced Camera for Surveys power flow before and after Servicing Mission 4.   10225   HST Advance Camera For Surveys Power Flow
Rotating Orbital Replacement Unit Carrier (Frame sequence contains alpha channel)    10226   HST SM4 Orbital Replacement Unit Carrier - ORUC
Rotating Multi-Use Lightweight Equipment Carrier (Frame sequence contains alpha channel)    10227   HST SM4 Multi-Use Lightweight Equipment Carrier (MULE)
Rotating Super Lightweight Instrument Carrier (Frame sequence contains alpha channel)    10228   HST SM4 Super Lightweight Instrument Carrier (SLIC)
<b>HST SM4 ACS Repair EVA</b> completed and edited animation sequence.   10229   HST SM4 ACS Repair EVA
<b>HST SM4 STIS Repair EVA</b> completed and edited animation sequence.   10230   HST SM4 STIS Repair EVA
<b>HST SM4 Battery Module Replacement EVA</b> completed and edited animation sequence.   10231   HST SM4 Battery Module Replacement EVA
<b>HST SM4 COS Installation EVA</b> completed and edited animation sequence.   10232   HST SM4 COS Installation EVA
<b>HST SM4 WFC3 Installation EVA</b> completed and edited animation sequence.   10233   HST SM4 WFC3 Installation EVA
<b>HST SM4 RSU / Gyroscope Replacement EVA</b> completed and edited animation sequence.   10234   HST SM4 RSU / Gyroscope Replacement EVA
<b>HST SM4 Hubble Deploy</b> completed and edited animation sequence.   10235   HST SM4 Hubble Deploy
Animation of the astronauts closing the Hubble Space Telescope’s aft shroud doors for the last time at the end of Servicing Mission 4.   10237   HST SM4 – Astronauts Close HST Doors for Last Time
An update on instrument, tool and carrier preparations for STS-125: HST Servicing Mission 4 at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. Update as of January 2, 2008.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_398_02.html'>here</a>.   10238   HST SM4 Countdown Status 1
To prepare for Servicing Mission 4, Hubble components must endure harsh tests at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.  This feature explores test facilities at Goddard like: launch phase simulator centrifuge, the acoustic test chamber, electromagnetic interference testing, vibration tables, static load test facility, and the space environment simulator.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_399_00.html'>here</a>.   10239   Enter NASA's Spacecraft Chamber of Horrors
A team at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center designs and builds the special tools and aids astronauts need when they service the Hubble Space Telescope.  Engineers describe working with the astronaut crew and developing tools to meet specific challenges as well as inventing new tools that will help NASA astronauts well into the future.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_412_02.html'>here</a>.   10240   CATS: Crew Aids and Tools
The Hubble would not be able to do what it does without the help of a small group of dedicated engineers and technicians at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.  During HST Servicing Missions the Space Telescope Operations Control Room at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center becomes a very busy place.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_400_00.html'>here</a>.   10241   HST Operations at GSFC - STOCC2
In planning for Servicing Mission 4 to Hubble, crew members divide their time between NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston, working underwater on a Hubble mock-up to simulate the effects of weightlessness, and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, where they practice scheduled mission tasks on a Hubble mock-up inside a large clean room facility.  Many Goddard engineers are trained divers.  These engineers work along side the astronauts while in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab to aid in their training.  This underwater experience helps HST engineers understand what the astronauts need as they work together to refine tools and procedures to service Hubble.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_410_00.html'>here</a>.   10242   Goddard Space Flight Center Divers
Astronauts travel to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center to prepare for Servicing Mission 4 to the Hubble Space Telescope.  HST Servicing Mission Commander Scott Altman describes coming to Goddard and working with the flight hardware.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_401_00.html'>here</a>.   10243   HST SM4 Crew Training at NASA Goddard
The last mission to Hubble, Servicing Mission 4 movie-trailer-like video.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_415_02.html'>here</a>.   10244   Hubble Servicing Mission Movie Trailer 1
Gamma Ray Burst   10245   Gamma Ray Burst
Episode 1:  What is GLAST?

<p> A brief overview of the GLAST satellite mission.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode1_transcript.html'>here</a>.   10247   GLASTcast Episode 1: What is GLAST?
Episode 2:  What are Gamma Rays?

<p>A brief overview of gamma ray science.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast2_transcript.htm'>here</a>.   10248   GLASTcast Episode 2: What are Gamma Rays?
GLAST Prelude<p><p>Celebrating the launch and science of NASA's Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope.   10250   GLASTcast for iTunes
Celebrating the launch and science of NASA's Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope.   10251   GLAST Prelude, for Brass Quintet, Op.12
This short video describes the status of the stratospheric ozone hole.   10255   Exploring Ozone
This short video describes how researchers use models to understand the Earth's changing temperature.   10256   Taking Earth's Temperature
The Deputy Project Manager for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) program, Cathy Peddie, expresses her personal and professional thoughts on the upcoming LRO mission.   10257   Return with LRO
Over 200 college students come to Goddard each summer to work with scientists on cutting-edge science and technology.  The students profiled here represent part of NASA's investment in our future.   10258   The Future Arrives
Jump into the secrets of our Solar System and discover more about how the heliosphere protects life on Earth and explorers in space. The short videos on this page will answer different questions about the IBEX mission and will help you learn more about the edge of our Solar System. <p>For complete transcript, click <a href=''>here</a>.   10260   IBEX: Exploring The Edge Of Our Solar System
The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will be NASA's new eye on the sun.  This short promo introduces SDO's comically animated alter-ego, 'Little SDO'.   10261   Introducing Little SDO
The mission of the Goddard Space Flight Center is to expand knowledge of the Earth and its environment, the solar system and the universe through observations from space.   10262   GSFC: 'Critical Space Item, Handle with Extreme Care'
LRO from the Earth to the Moon   10265   LRO from Earth
When placed on the Hubble Space Telescope, WFC3 will provide unprecedented capabilities for imaging the cosmos at near-ultraviolet and at near-infrared wavelengths. The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) will study a diverse range of objects and phenomena, from early and distant galaxy formation to nearby planetary nebulae, and finally our own backyard — the planets and other bodies of our Solar System. WFC3 extends Hubble's capability not only by seeing deeper into the universe but also by seeing simultaneously into the infrared and ultraviolet. WFC3 can, for example, simultaneously observe young, hot stars (glowing predominantly in the ultraviolet) and older, cooler stars (glowing predominantly in the infrared) in the same galaxy.   10266   Wide Field Camera 3: Extending Hubble's Vision, Packed with Power
THEMIS reconnection animation   10267   THEMIS Sees Magnetic Reconnection
LRO7-Apollo-PRINT2   10269   LRO - Print Stills Images - Wallpaper
<b>The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph</b>, a fourth-generation instrument, designed by Dr. James Green and his University of Colorado colleagues for the cosmic web study in the 90's, will replace the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement (COSTAR.)<p><p>Once installed on the Hubble Space Telescope during the upcoming servicing mission this year, COS will dramatically advance physics and astrophysics research on the origin of the Universe, astronomical objects, evolution of galaxies, and planetary system formations. In addition, the spectroscope will significantly enhance the spectroscopic capabilities of the telescope at ultraviolet wavelengths, provide scientists with unparalleled opportunities for observing faint sources of ultraviolet and cosmic web light that will absorb new cosmic information and help the telescope investigate the collected data until the end of its mission, currently 2013.</p><p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_420_00.html'>here</a>.   10270   Cosmic Origins Spectrograph - Exploring Physics Across the Universe
This animation shows the components that will be removed,
installed and added to the Hubble Space Telescope during Servicing Mission
  10271   HST SM4 ­ Change Out Animation
This animation is a close-up view highlighting spacecraft instrumentation - pulling away to reveal LRO's track over the moon.   10272   LRO Over Moon
The LRO spacecraft traverses from darkness into daylight.   10273   LRO Distant
This animation tracks with LRO as it passes above a large lunar crater.   10274   LRO Follow Over Crater (version 1)
This animation tracks with LRO as it passes above a large lunar crater.   10275   LRO Follow Over Crater (version 2)
We get a view from inside the Lambert crater (using a topological DEM model) as LRO passes overhead.   10276   LRO Lambert Crater
This animated sequence takes a view from inside a large crater as LRO passes overhead.   10277   LRO Moonview
This is the opening title sequence for LRO videos.   10278   LRO Title Sequence
A 720 degree spin of LRO with labels on the 6 major instruments and Mini-RF technology demonstration.   10279   LRO Spin (instruments labeled)
Here we follow LRO as it moves along it's orbit high above the lunar surface.   10280   LRO Tracking (version 1)
This animation follows LRO as it moves along its orbit high above the lunar surface.   10281   LRO Tracking (version 2)
Electromagnetic Spectrum   10282   Electromagnetic Spectrum
Osiris leaving Earth Atmosphere   10283   Osiris
Aquarius Beauty Shot 1   10284   Aquarius
Calipso in orbit over Earth   10285   Calipso Spacecraft Animation
This animation shows the Argo probe on the ocean surface as it relays information. It then decends below the surface to collect additional data.   10286   Argo Instrument Animations
<b>Eclipse Web Short:</b> Learn about the August 2008 total solar eclipse and hear from some of NASA's eclipse experts as they answer some frequently asked eclipse questions.   10287   Get Ready for the August 1, 2008 Total Solar Eclipse
This video shows how we may be having a greater impact on the weather than we ever knew.   10289   Rain Rain Go Away Come Again on a Work Day?
Cloudsat traversing Earth   10290   Cloudsat
A single Constellation X spacecraft joins the other three in search of black holes.   10291   Constellation X Spacecraft
Goes in geostationary orbit over the Earth   10292   Goes 13 (M) Spacecraft
GPM crossing the globe as it passes out of darkness   10293   Global Precpitation Monitoring (GPM) Spacecraft
HST Looks at the Moon   10294   HST - A Look At The Moon
  10295   Magnetic Fields on Mars
Poes spacecraft over Earth   10296   NOAA / POES Spacecraft Animations
This animation shows the changing habitable zone as the sun expands to become a Red Giant.   10297   Red Giant Sun
Swift leaves the darkness, camera zooms in to catch the spacecraft crossing Earth.   10298   Swift Spacecraft Animations
a 360 degree tour around the Solar-B spacecraft as it hangs above the Earth   10299   Solar - B (Hinode) Spacecraft
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