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Steve's leave: What does it really mean?Jan 16: Apple CEO Steve Jobs says he's temporarily stepping away for medical reasons. The move raises questions about the future of Apple - and how the company has disclosed Jobs' health woes. more
9:58am: The virtualization leader helps company save money. But in a recession, will companies spend money to save money? more
Jan 18: Social media descend on D.C. - and not just to party. more
Jan 16: European Union gives Microsoft eight weeks to respond to a list of objections over the way it includes its Web browser with the Windows operating system. more
3 best Web books of 2008Looking to capitalize on the Facebook revolution? These must-reads show you how. more
Apple's iPhone may have set the standard for a new generation of smartphones, but plenty of would-be competitors abound. Here are four top picks for the PDA-obsessed. more
Bluetooth cell-phone headsets are getting smaller, clearer and a lot less dorky. Here are a few of our favorites more
You won't find the iPhone on display at this week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, but that doesn't mean there's a lack of multimedia devices to gawk at. more
Streaming YouTube videos. A built-in dashboard PC. Here's a look at some of the cool auto technology coming out of the Consumer Electronics Show. more
Kiss your phone bill good-byeDisruptors: Silicon Valley startup Ooma wants to help you connect your home electronics for cheap - starting with your phone. more
Disruptors: By shedding the trappings of a traditional law firm, Axiom's Internet-connected attorneys offer legal services at a deep discount. more
Disruptors: Vitality's Web-connected, glowing bottle cap could save millions of dollars in healthcare costs. more
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