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Mutual fund assets fall nearly 3% in November4:16pm: The nation's mutual funds saw holdings shrank by $262 billion last month, falling at a slower pace than they did in October.  more
Dec 29: Equity-index annuities promise you stock market exposure without the downside. If only. more
Nov 30: Trimtabs survey shows reversal from $19.5 billion outflow in previous week. more
Nov 13: Low-priced stocks are often a conservative bet. So why is your value fund down 40%? more
Plus more from the ultimate fund guide: 5 extreme portfolio makeovers and ways to outsmart your brain. more
Sleep well owning these mutual funds, regardless of where the market heads next. more
Tips for choosing stock and bond funds. Plus: When to dump a loser. more
The basics on key accounts, and the right investments for them. more
MONEY Magazine
A 30-something's road to retirementNakia Haskins, 32, needs to resolve her current cash crunch without jeopardizing her future retirement goals. more
Read about investment strategies and stock picks to help you make it happen, the changes coming to it, and why you'll love it anyway. more
You may be shelling out up to 10 times more than you thought. Plus: 'Real' expenses for the 100 largest funds. more
Hop off the 'beat the market' bandwagonThe big time money managers will make some pretty lofty promises and charge some pretty high fees. But that doesn't mean they can always deliver. more
A reader asks whether ETFs are more volatile than comparable mutual funds - and whether they have a place in his portfolio. more
A reader considers whether to annuitize his pension or take a lump sum. more
Search among thousands of mutual funds for the one that meets your criteria. more
See how savings rates and investment returns affect when your nest egg hits 7 figures. more
Tell us how much you have, how long you will save and at what rate, and find out what your nest egg will grow to. more
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