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U.S. Virgin Islands

Award Number 08HQAG0011, Category 3: Fifty States Initiative

Development of a Strategic Plan for Building the Virgin Islands Spatial Data Infrastructure

The goal of this project is to strengthen the effectiveness of building the U.S. Virgin Island Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) in support of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The activities of this proposal will be directed by VIGIC. A contractor will be hired to facilitate the strategic planning process. The executive officers of VIGIC will serve on the strategic planning committee; however, other stakeholders from the federal government and private sector will be selected to serve on the strategic planning committee. The organized stakeholder sessions will include participants from private sector, non government organizations, utilities, local and federal agencies and academia.

Interim Report

Virgin Islands Geospatial Information Council (VIGIC)


Theresa Anduze-Parris, GIS Coordinator Office of the Lieutenant Governor
340-773-6459 ext. 3131
theresa.parris [at]

Melvin Vanterpool, Director VI Office of Homeland Security
mel.vanterpool [at]

Stevie Henry, University of the Virgin Islands
shenry [at]

Lou Driber, USGS Geosptail Liaison for the Virgin Islands
850-942-9500 ext 3031
ldriber [at]

Link to more information about the 50 States Initiative