About Medical Sciences Division

The Medical Sciences Division (MSD) supports research in several distinct areas of science and technology that adress a broad range of fundamental and applied research application in the medicine and biophysics.

The Medical Applications program fosters research to develop beneficial applications of nuclear and other energy-related technologies for medical diagnosis and treatment of patient's problems. The infrastructure promotes a fertile partnership among the major biomedical disciplines of science and technology, biology, and medicine in support of the following major research areas; Molecular Nuclear Medicine, Radiopharmaceutical Development, Medical Imaging, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), and the application of Lasers in medicine.

The technology developed under this program provides for the non-invasive detection and localization of biochemical dysfunctions associated with the disease and disorders, small lesions in the body, the quantitative measurement of dynamic organ function, and the selective treatment of cancer with molecular radiation therapy.

The biophysical research program elements have a common theme of research, development and application of new technologies. The Measurement Science program supports research in analytical chemistry directed at meeting the needs for new measurement technology for selected environmental and life sciences. The Structural Biology program supports access to the national user facilities, such as synchrotron light sources and neutron beam sources by scientists at universities, industry, and at government laboratories. It also funds research into new technologies for more effective use of these facilities. The Computational Biology program is focussed on understanding of inverse protein folding. The Genome Instrumentation program focuses on the development of advanced sequencing technologies and the automation of all stages of chromosome mapping and sequencing.

Michael Viola, MD
Division Director
19901 Germantown Road
Germantown, Maryland 20874-1290
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Science
Office of Biological and Environmental Research
Life Sciences Medical Sciences Environmental Sciences Submit Applications ESD Abstracts email